* David Walluck david@zarb.org [2008-06-30 13:04]:
Deepak Bhole wrote: | I think moving them to jpackage-utils would be sufficient, as it owns a | multitude of other java related directories right now. I have put this
I agree. This is consistent since %{_sysconfdir}/maven is already owned by jpackage-utils.
| Correct, technically they are not configuration related files. I'd be happy to
Config files are specified to always have %config(noreplace) (in my rpmlint anyway). So, unless they are user-editable files that can be kept between upgrades, then they should be moved. I think that since these files aren't meant to be editable and in fact must be kept in sync with package upgrades they are not proper config files and should be moved.
| move them, but I am not sure what the best place for them is either :/ .. | suggestions are welcome. The files serve as configuration in the sense | that they provide maven with a "mapping" between where maven expects | jars to be, and where they actually are on the system.
The obvious choice seems to be %{_datadir}/maven2/fragments and most other files appear to be in %{_datadir}/maven2.
Yep I am fine with this. I will make the change for the next version. A change of this sort will require rebuild of all maven2 dependent packages.
The important thing besides single ownership by jpackage-utils is to move the maven macros into jpackage.macros so that you don't have to change every spec just to change the location of the files.
The fragment dir location is already a macros, and all maven related macros are in jpackage-utils already.
Cheers, Deepak
David Walluck david@zarb.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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