I've been working on a new rhel7/ansible version of our current This is complicated somewhat by this being one of our oldest services and one of the first ones added to puppet so many long years ago.
I'm heading out for vacation saturday and will be gone until the following saturday, so I don't want to do any migration right now in a hurry, but it's going to be on my radar right when I get back.
Toward that end, I have the new instance up and available: - - 2610:28:3090:3001:5054:ff:feff:683f
If you all get a chance, please do try and login and then reply to this thread with any issues you run into. Things you cannot do that you expect to or cannot do but can on the 'production' version. I'll take a look at these items after I get back and fix them up before we migrate things.
Note that very likely I will re-install and re-sync content before we move this live.
I've not seen any issues reported while I was gone, so I went ahead and scheduled this migration for this wed.
I am sure there will be issues to fix up after we do the migration, but we need to get it done.
Once this is done, we can retire people03. Then we can repoint backups and retire hosted04 and collab04 (They were warm spares for the hosted03/collab03 production instances).
Then we can reinstall ibiblio02 Then we can move proxy04 to ibiblio02 and retire ibiblio01.
Net result: 4 less machines in puppet, one less EOL server to maintain.