Hi all,
I first came across Fedora back in 2016. I was introduced to Fedora in my Linux course. I have been interested in computer technologies for nearly have my life, and I've done web development, as well as an internship with a software development company.
My programming skills varies. I started with Java back in 2008, and then Python 2014. I took a hiatus for about two weeks, and then I took C++ course. I started web developing in 2015 and have been active since then, but no real steady work, like work experience with a company. About 2016-2017, I started looking at projects that I can contribute, because I want to learn the ins and outs of Linux and how it works. I tested out different variants of linux distros, and I ended with Gentoo, Fedora and Ubuntu.
I do not have any certifications at the moment, but I am aiming for one of the pentest certification and as well as several Linux certifications from LPI. I want to go into a DevOps role, and I would like to learn more about how it all works.
Thank you for taking the time to reply my introduction.
Antonette Caldwell