The infrastructure team will be having it's weekly meeting tomorrow,
2013-05-02 at 19:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting on the freenode network.
Suggested topics:
#topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.
If any new folks want to give a quick one line bio or any apprentices
would like to ask general questions, they can do so in this part of the
meeting. Don't be shy!
#topic Applications status / discussion
Check in on status of our applications: pkgdb, fas, bodhi, koji,
community, voting, tagger, packager, dpsearch, etc.
If there's new releases, bugs we need to work around or things to note.
#topic Sysadmin status / discussion
Here we talk about sysadmin related happenings from the previous week,
or things that are upcoming.
#topic Private Cloud status update / discussion
#topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
#info 2013-05-02 nag fi-apprentices
#info 2013-05-08 drop inactive apprentices
#info 2013-05-14 to 2013-05-28 BETA infrastructure freeze
#info 2013-05-28 F19 beta release
#info 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter
#info 2013-06-01 nag fi-apprentices
#info 2013-06-08 drop inactive apprentices
#info 2013-06-18 to 2013-07-02 FINAL infrastructure freeze.
#info 2013-07-01 nag fi-apprentices
#info 2013-07-02 F19 FINAL release
#topic Open Floor
Submit your agenda items, as tickets in the trac instance and send a
note replying to this thread.
More info here:
There's been a long standing issue with sslonly sites and stg.
When you go to 'http://site.stg.whatever" you are redirected to
'https://site.whatever' which is anoying.
The current sslonly template has:
<% if sslonly -%>
Redirect 301 / https://<%= name %>/
<% else -%>
So it does a redirect to the site 'name' which is always the production
I'd like to fix this, and changing the above Redirect to:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]
seems to work. I tested it on stg with the qa site.
Can anyone see anything that would blow up if I made this change?
Greetings from a newly registered member!
I've seen the 'GSoC @ Infra' thread but I didn't want to hijack it nor
do I know how to reply to a thread through mailman...
I will be applying for GSoC this summer and GitLab is my first priority
as I have been using it since version 2 and I want to contribute in any
way I can. I have been talking with Vit Ondruch about the packaging
procedure and I just sent a mail [0] to the ruby-sig list too, regarding
I have also read last year's discussion [1] and it was made clear by Dan
Allen [2] that besides the whole implementation thing, it is as
important to find some people that will maintain the project longterm.
And I am willing to do this. I don't know if it is possible for more
than one person to work on a project during GSoC, but another fellow is
interested in this as well [3]. So, now we are two :p
This should be very interesting and I am looking forward to hearing from
the infra team :)