Hi fellows from education SIG, maybe anyone of you can help this guy
with an installation of one specific package on the XO?
Thanks is advance, any help would be very appreciated.
Jesús Franco
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: GCompris and xo-1
Fecha: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:27:03 -0300
De: Leonardo Rojas <lrojas-HVym9dYRnQ2B+jHODAdFcQ(a)public.gmane.org>
Para: olpc-TuqUDEhatI4ANWPb/1PvSmm0pvjS0E/A(a)public.gmane.org
Grupos de noticias: gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.olpc
First of all, sorry if my english its not very goods since its not my
native languaje. I need to modify some GCompris activies and install
them on a xo-1 with
Build number:852 Sugar: 0.84.16 Firmware : Q2E45
because the teachers dont like all the activities as they are, there are
some activities that are easy to modify because i can do the changes
with gcompris administration, like GCompris MissingLetter, but for the
others i need to recompile them. I made changes on several, like
MemoryEnumerate, AlgebraGuesscount, Babymatch and others, then i run
gcompris, and all the changes are there, the activities work as intended
but when i try to install them on the xo, they dont start, i dont even
get the
Cannot find cached 0sugar-launch implementation. or another error (i
know a workaround for the 0sugar-launch imlmentation error, i get this
error with version 13 of activities mostly, all version 12 activities
run perfect in the xo
the icon appears then afther a while the activitie close, i tried using
the ./bundleit.sh and using setup.py, tried using GCompris 9.5 then
Gcompris 9.3 (modifying the source files from the activities that come
in that GCompris version)
So my question is, someone knows how to compile and install a modified
GCompris activity in this xo?, really need help plz, im suposed to have
them installed and working on the xo next week.
sorry for the inconvenience
thx, bye