as previously mentioned, there will be an Education Summit taking
place in conjunction with LinuxCon in Boston on August 9. We are happy
to announce the final schedule today. Please check the following wiki
page for further information on our speakers and abstracts:
Registration for LinuxCon is still open. We are also still entitled to
offer 20% discounts to attendees, so if you're interested, drop me a
line. We would also like to provide the attendees of the Education
Summit with t-shirts / lunch. If you or your company would be
interested in sponsoring that, please email me as soon as possible.
Thanks for your attention and looking forward to meeting you in August!
--Sebastian Dziallas
Hi all,
this year's LinuxCon [1] will take place from Aug 10 - 12 in Boston.
There'll be an education summit [2] hosted in conjunction with the
conference on Aug 9. We've got a number of entirely awesome speakers
confirmed - Joe Brockmeier, Máirín Duffy and others will give talks.
We'll announce the final schedule shortly.
Registration for the entire LinuxCon is required for attendants of the
summit and comes with a $400 price tag ($100 for students) until Jul
15. The LinuxFoundation has also entitled us to offer 20% discounts to
attendees, so if you're interested, please drop me a line.
Please forward this to interested people or projects and don't
hesitate to email Jeff or me in case you've got any questions.
Looking forward to meeting you in August!
--Sebastian Dziallas
[1] http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon
[2] http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/LinuxCon_2010