For Sebastian: I didn't get this to you in IRC before you left, so...
As far as including LaTeX in the spin, I think the easiest way to start
out is with LyX.
Even as a more experienced LaTeX user, I would bang out stuff in LyX
because it's Just Easier for basic stuff. So that's the package I'd
include (and its dependencies).
If anyone has alternative suggestions, holler. It's been about 2 years
since I used LaTeX...
Wikis rock! Except when they turn into unmaintainable swamps of
information (in which case they still rock, just... more frustratingly
than optimal.)
In the spirit of Trying To Do Things Right, I went through the Edu SIG
pages and tried to redo them to fit wiki standards. Here's what I did:
Thoughts, feedback? In particular, I don't really expect the meeting
minutes pages to all get categorized correctly, unless we can figure out
a clever solution to remembering (or automatically doing) that...
Ian, as the wiki czar, I thought I'd ping you especially to see if you
could take a quick look and make recommendations. ;)
Thanks in advance for taking a peek!
Hi everybody,
this e-mail didn't make it through the list's filters. Trying to forward
it now...
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Spin features - brainstorm request
Datum: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 00:44:12 -0400
Von: Mel Chua <mel(a)>
An: Fedora Education Initiative <fedora-education-list(a)>
The features list has a lot more things on it now - please add your own
(Help organizing this list into something more coherent would also be
much appreciated- for instance, linking package names to package pages
would be great!)
Hi all,
I'd like to take a minute to thank everybody for this very productive
meeting today! We've made really good progress, as you can also see in
log, which is available here:
The next action items have been kindly summarized by Mel here:
Now what are our new goals for the upcoming F12 Education Spin?
The target user base will be educators and professors, who're for
example teaching classes in education, making it easier for their
students to use, but also to contribute to educational efforts, such as
our SIG, but also other projects.
One possibility to do so will be POSSE, which we'll be targeting with a
special spin (more e-mails to follow), to gather more feedback.