Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 4:58 AM, Danishka Navin <danishka(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Chitlesh,
>>> How are you?
>>> Next week I have two workshops for school teachers and it mainly for
>>> non-tech and windows based school teachers . Basically I will give
>>> them a
>>> hands on training for how to install Fedora, updates, and relevant
>>> educational packages.
>>> More over I will do few more workshops for the next year as well.
>>> Can you do me a favor?
>>> I need kind of extended version of FEL. :)
>>> As you setup the FEL DVD is just 1.2GB.
>>> Could you make a DVD iso by adding other Fedora educational sofwares.
>>> Then teachers can work on other educational SW on the same DVD.
>>> I am not asking to change your FEL DVD structure.
>>> Let it be 1.2GB as you did.
>>> Pls give me a new iso which includes both FEL and Educational software.
>>> * Why I can't do it myself?
>>> Here I have a poor ADSL connectivity.
>>> So, running a script and downloading hole stuff for trial and error
>>> is much
>>> difficult.
>>> So, pls help me. I really want to spread FEL with other Fedora
>>> stuff. :)
>>> Waiting for a positive response.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Danishka
>> Dear Danishka,
>> I'm happy to hear from you and your workshops.
>> If you install Fedora Electronic Lab, you can yum install all
>> educational software.
>> Likewise if you install fedora from the standard iso, you can still
>> yum install any electronic software.
>> Unfortunately I can't merge electronic and educational software in the
>> FEL Livedvd iso for the following reasons:
>> - I am the only one maintaining FEL as full-time
>> - the use of educational software is vast and targets various
>> categories of users (astronomy, biology, math,..). for each one of
>> them the age of the users should be taken into account. We had a
>> Fedora Educational spin in the past. I'm CC: the fedora board mailing
>> list hoping someone can revive and maintain a Fedora Education spin.
> Ping! Hi there :)
> Well, we've an education spin, as well as a special interest group [1]
> for educational stuff.
I have joined to the team
> But, er... I need to admit, the spin which you can currently grab from
> only includes mathematical applications. If
> you want to get further information, you might want to look at the
> feature page here [3].
> Unfortunately, it became quite calm around the Edu SIG, but I'm still
> hoping that this doesn't need to be the end.
> For example, you could add your name to the wiki and we can try to get
> something off the ground :). Our last meeting on IRC also happened
> some time ago - if you're interested in joining, I'd be happy to
> welcome you!
> I've been working on some Sugar & OLPC stuff recently, but I believe a
> spin with educational or scientific apps is still heavily needed.
> Maybe we should also expand our goals: Just focusing on mathematical
> applications might have been not the best idea. Maybe we could also
> cooperate with other groups in Fedora (with educational or scientific
> goals) concerning the creation of a spin.
> But I still feel that without feedback or ideas from other people,
> it's somehow hard to get something started. Like Chitlesh said, a list
> of the software you want use would be great.
>> Maybe if you give us a list of software you wish to have for your
>> workshops, maybe fedora can spin a special LiveDVD for your workshops
>> while you will promote fedora. I ask the approval from Fedora Board
>> for such a spin through this email.
> This might be a solution, too. But nevertheless, I think feedback or
> ideas concerning a possible spin would be very helpful!
Hi Sebastian,
My target is adding possible software's which covers all (but possible)
school education subjects.
Math, Arts, Science, Language/English, Computer, Geography, Accounts,
Electronics, etc
for age range of 6 to 18 students and teachers of them.
>> Thereby I invite you to join our Fedora Ambassador Project and be one
>> of our Fedora Ambassadors. You can also meet other Fedora Ambassadors
>> in your region who might help you as well for your events.
>> Kind regards,
>> Chitlesh
> By the way: You might also want to join our mailing list [3].
Yes, I did :)
> And please don't hesitate to contact me directly ;).
> --Sebastian
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
Dear All,
I am Danishka Navin (User: Snavin) from Sri Lanka.
I would like to work on a Educational spin.
I have added myself to the team page [1]
hope you don't mind. :)
Best Regards,