Hi everybody,
it has been quite calm, so I would like to give you a short overview of
what has happened in the past in relationship to the Edu-SIG.
Well, we had the last meeting some time ago, so here is the log (I think
I hadn't posted it yet).
We talked about the different applications to include on a spin. The
major decision was to release a math-related spin first. Currently, the
most important thing is to release the spin ASAP. We have already talked
about the applications we want to include. You might have a look at them
on the following wiki page. If you have any further ideas, please don't
hesitate to suggest them.
Finally, I played around with some kickstart files and figured out, that
we'd be able to include all the chosen apps, as well as an KDE desktop
environment. The most recent problem was, that we don't want to include
the whole kdeedu package, since it includes way more than only
mathematic applications. So, here is the bug request for splitting
kdeedu up.
Once everything is ready and in rawhide, I might go on creating the
kickstart file, so that we can submit it to the Spins SIG & Rel-Eng.
All in all, since Fedora 9 is now out, I think we should hurry a little
bit up. The earlier we publish a spin, the more feedback we'd be able to
gather. But it's clear enough that such a spin must be still
On the other hand, we talked in the last meeting about further spins. A
great idea was to create a spin, which includes the Sugar desktop
environment (well known from the OLPC). Since this is also in Fedora 9,
this wouldn't be such a big problem, but there are still those
activities for use with Sugar missing.
The last thing I wanted to mention is the LinuxTag happening at the of
May in Berlin. Is there anybody attending it? Unfortunately, I'll only
be there on Saturday, May 31 (the last day), since the other dates
interfered with my school schedule. Those who are interested in
education and who'll be there, please let me know, so that maybe, we
might sit down for a cup of coffee and talk a little bit about the whole
thing here... :)
Kind Regards,
Sebastian Dziallas
Hi everybody,
this is a reminder for the meeting, which is scheduled to take place
today, Friday, May 9 at 1800 UTC on #fedora-meeting.
It's just 20 minutes to go right now :).
Come on in and join us!
Hi everybody,
this is a reminder for the meeting, which is scheduled to take place
today, Friday, May 9 at 1800 UTC on #fedora-meeting.
This is in less than two hours right now.
Come on in and join us!
Best Regards,
Sebastian Dziallas
Hi everybody,
I would like to announce the next meeting for
Friday, May 9 at 1800 UTC on #fedora-meeting
You might also want to have a look at the agenda:
If you have any concerns, as well as further ideas, please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Sebastian Dziallas
Hi all!
I have updated the application-list in the wiki:
I would like to get some feedback: Maybe we could talk about different
categories or groups, as well as software, which *should* definitely be
included in a possible spin.
If you have anything to add or any suggestions, please do not hesitate
to add them to the wiki or to post them here.
Kind Regards,
Sebastian Dziallas