(this email is open source...feel free to spread it far and WIDE...help us
get the word out!)
Hi all!
The new FOSSed web site is LIVE at http://www.fossed.com
FOSSed 2009 is shaping up to be the best ever! Lots of new topics,
sessions, and presenters! As the world of technology changes...so do we!
One important thing hasn't changed though...the price. Thanks to the fine
folks at Gould Academy, we've been able to keep the price of the
conference low again this year. Yup! That's right! Just $495 includes
EVERYTHING! The conference, your room, your meals, and even the banquet!
($455 for off-campus participants) You'll get a chance to immerse
yourself in the experience that is FOSSed. Come, join us this year!
Learn all about Open Source and Web 2.0 technologies and how they can
translate into better learning for your students as well as substantial
money savings for your schools!
Register today at http://www.fossed.com
Lot's of great information, pictures, the 2009 FOSSed flyer, and so much
more on the site!
We really hope to see you this year at FOSSed
David Trask
FOSSed 2009
David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School