or (listen on the web)
A conversation with Robert Arkiletian who, in addition to teaching
physics and computer programming at a secondary school in Vancouver,
has created fl_TeacherTool, a program for K12LTSP installations which
allows the teacher to view, control, broadcast to, and communicate
with individual student desktops.
We discuss the barriers in schools to implementation of Linux thin
client and how he overcame them. Robert also describes in detail the
features of fl_TeacherTool. Will only really be of interest to those
working with LTSP or K12LTSP, or thinking of it.
One of the most interesting things to me about the interview was
Robert's description of how he was effective in getting approval for
his Linux thin-client lab--and why many such labs have required an
"inside" champion. He describes:
1. How helpful it was to show that if the lab didn't work out, the
server he was going to purchase could be used for some other purpose;
2. How he set up his workstations as dual-boot machines, so that
Windows could be used if there was dissatisfaction with Linux;
3. How helpful the K12OSN email list has been for technical support.
These are options that only an "insider" can really effectively
provide. But even as an "insider" at a school, and showing the
tremendous cost savings, it can still be difficult to get approval for
a Linux thin-client lab. I think, in large part, this is because Linux
is unfamiliar, and it is unrealistic to think that schools will be
willing to take the risk of trying a technology that is not well
known. As more publicized installations of Linux take place in schools
(Indiana, for example), and as Linux is seen as a viable desktop
alternative, then the tremendous cost savings will then have an
opportunity to become a compelling factor.
It has been interesting to watch, however, how some schools have been
able to overcome the barriers to implementation of Linux. I would
argue that these are typically schools that just don't have the money
for traditional computing resources, and have to look outside of the
box through sheer desperation. At that point, I think they are
somewhat shocked, and then pleasantly surprised, to find out how
inexpensively they can provide basic productivity computing.
I continue to be interested in the compelling story that is beginning
to emerge more publicly related to computer use in schools:
1. Schools have spent a lot of money on computers, and had to cut
other programs because of funding issues--now their computers are
getting old and they're being asked to spend comparable amounts again;
2. Schools haven't seen academic improvement because of computers,
and most students get limited time on computers each week;
3. Schools that have installed less glamorous, inexpensive computer
solutions are able to give the students and teachers a more
significant opportunity to integrate the computer into their
4. Where the computer is able to be actively integrated into the
curriculum, there is student and teacher enthusiasm, and there are
reports of significant academic improvement.
It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
A conversation with Robert Arkiletian who, in addition to teaching
physics and computer programming at a secondary school in Vancouver,
has created fl_TeacherTool, a program for K12LTSP installations which
allows the teacher to view, control, broadcast to, and communicate
with individual student desktops.
We discuss the barriers in schools to implementation of Linux thin
client and how he overcame them. Robert also describes in detail the
features of fl_TeacherTool. Will only really be of interest to those
working with LTSP or K12LTSP, or thinking of it.
One of the most interesting things to me about the interview was
Robert's description of how he was effective in getting approval for
his Linux thin-client lab--and why many such labs have required an
"inside" champion. He describes:
1. How helpful it was to show that if the lab didn't work out, the
server he was going to purchase could be used for some other purpose;
2. How he set up his workstations as dual-boot machines, so that
Windows could be used if there was dissatisfaction with Linux;
3. How helpful the K12OSN email list has been for technical support.
These are options that only an "insider" can really effectively
provide. But even as an "insider" at a school, and showing the
tremendous cost savings, it can still be difficult to get approval for
a Linux thin-client lab. I think, in large part, this is because Linux
is unfamiliar, and it is unrealistic to think that schools will be
willing to take the risk of trying a technology that is not well
known. As more publicized installations of Linux take place in schools
(Indiana, for example), and as Linux is seen as a viable desktop
alternative, then the tremendous cost savings will then have an
opportunity to become a compelling factor.
It has been interesting to watch, however, how some schools have been
able to overcome the barriers to implementation of Linux. I would
argue that these are typically schools that just don't have the money
for traditional computing resources, and have to look outside of the
box through sheer desperation. At that point, I think they are
somewhat shocked, and then pleasantly surprised, to find out how
inexpensively they can provide basic productivity computing.
I continue to be interested in the compelling story that is beginning
to emerge more publicly related to computer use in schools:
1. Schools have spent a lot of money on computers, and had to cut
other programs because of funding issues--now their computers are
getting old and they're being asked to spend comparable amounts again;
2. Schools haven't seen academic improvement because of computers,
and most students get limited time on computers each week;
3. Schools that have installed less glamorous, inexpensive computer
solutions are able to give the students and teachers a more
significant opportunity to integrate the computer into their
4. Where the computer is able to be actively integrated into the
curriculum, there is student and teacher enthusiasm, and there are
reports of significant academic improvement.
It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
The Computer Using Educators ( annual conference is March 1-3,
2007 in Palm Springs, CA. We have been asked to re-create our large
Linux thin-client lab again this year, and will hold concurrent
speaker sessions on Free and Open Source Software in the lab.
The deadline for normal CUE applications for speaking sessions is
September 4th. HOWEVER, speakers in our Open Source Lab for CUE will
be handled outside of their normal submission process and should be
made directly to me. If you have already submitted a proposal for a
session at CUE that you would prefer be done in the lab, please let me
know so that we can flag that.
We have also been asked to provide a lab/speaker venue for the
National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Atlanta next June.
Those interested in speaking at NECC as part of our Open Source lab
there should also contact me directly, and I will let you know the
procedure for submitting proposals when you do.
Both shows have expressed a great appreciation for the lab and will be
including the speakers from our lab in their regular conference
program. For my part, I am appreciative of the caliber of speakers
that we have had, and thank those who have taken part.
Please forward this message to anyone that you feel might want to take
part in presenting on Free and Open Source software at either of these
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
Last night I interviewed Michelle Moore about Moodle, the open source
learning management system (LMS) which has been so spectacularly
popular. Michelle held three sessions on Moodle in our Open Source Lab
at NECC 2006, and all three were packed.
As we talked, I was reminded of the impact that Moodle is having in
introducing free and open source software to the education market.
Michelle tells the story of her husband, as a district technology
director, saw Moodle change the whole story with regard to the use of
open source software--previously, he had met resistance in
implementing open source solutions, but with Moodle there was a huge
push from the users to make it available.
I would have to believe that this is, in part, because of the
significant cost of the commercial alternatives. Using Moodle can save
so much money that it probably opens doors just because of this. But
many also consider Moodle to be superior to the commercially-available
programs, and that has got to help!
The interview was intended to provide an overview of Moodle from
someone who is just learning about it for the first time. We do
discuss the current patent issue toward the end of the interview. You
can listen to the interview directly from the web at, or at our new
website. Both sites also have links to download the .mp3 or .ogg
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
It's been a fun day! I started very early in order to be able to catch
Hilton Theunissen in South Africa, who has led the tuXlab project to install
Linux thin-client in 200 schools. Then late in the day Mike Huffman and
Laura Taylor provided insight into the Indiana Affordable Classroom
Computers for Every Secondary Student (ACCESS) program. (To download the
mp3 or ogg files, go to
These are both fascinating interviews, and along with the interview with the
folks from Atlanta Public Schools last week, they are confirming a pattern
that deserves some real exploration: high-priced, high-maintenance computers
have led to relatively little actual student time in front of them (35
minutes a week per student in the case of Indiana, at a cost of $100 million
a year!); low-cost computer solutions provide significantly more actual time
in front of computers for students, and the result is dramatic engagement by
students and teachers, and significant academic success (some measured and
some expected).
This is interesting to me, since I've lately been very aware that while the
Windows, Linux, and Mac folks fight the battle of which OS is best, there is
still a more fundamental and hotly-debated question with regard to computers
in education: do they actually help students do better for all the money
that is spent on them? What Atlanta and Indiana seem to show is that because
it has been so costly to have computers in schools, they haven't been truly
available enough for teachers or students to integrate their use into the
curriculum. But in programs that are dedicated to cost-effectively getting
the computers into the classrooms in sufficient quantity to impact
education, the results are significant and exciting. And the "cost
effective" part belongs to Linux and Open Source...
This Thursday night (August 17), it's time to hear from "our favorite
Moodler," Michelle Moore from The one-hour interview
will be broadcast live at 5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDT, and will also be
available afterwards in recorded form. Links to join the live Skypecast, to
leave questions, or to learn more are at<>
The following weeks I'll be interviewing Victoria Davis (Westwood Schools)
and Adam Frey (Wikispaces) about Wikis, and Ruth Lutes and Ragavan
Srinivasan (both from HP) about Open Source Licensing. To suggest future
interview topics, or to contribute to the wiki, visit
Today was also my first day flying solo--which included doing the sound
editing and uploading... Wow. Hope you like them. From now on it should be a
little easier!
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
Today we had a short conference call with Eric Harrison, Jim McQuillan,
Scott Balneaves, Bill Nottingham and Greg DeKoenigsburg talking about
what it will take to integrate LTSP to be an official part of Fedora.
After we have the modifications to a Fedora chroot ready for booting
K12LTSP thin clients, we will need to make wrap it into a convenient
I just talked with Jeremy Katz, head of our Anaconda installer team.
He confirmed that it would be unacceptable for chroots to be built
during initial install of the host system itself. It is best to do such
activity in the actual running system where things can be more easily
developed and debugged. He suggested that Anaconda in chroot mode is
the best way to do this. It could be wrapped into either a firstboot
module or a tool to run from the menu.
K12LTSP chroot Installs
1) On any Fedora install, you can use yum groupinstall to pull in the
K12LTSP infrastructure. *OR* Install from the K12LTSP distro cut which
has the base system plus K12LTSP by default.
The package that contains K12LTSP thin client image builder has both a
GTK+ app, and module in /usr/share/firstboot/modules which runs anaconda
with the desired options.
2) During firstboot it runs as one of the later steps. Optionally you
can run it from the menu.
3) K12LTSP Thin Client image builder can install the chroot from any RPM
packages. This means it could prompt for the K12LTSP or specific CD's
containing what it needs, or network.
4) Post-install it flips whatever bits to make it into read-only init mode.
Anaconda chroot mode
hg clone
Fedora's LiveCD builder uses anaconda in chroot mode to build the image
before it is made into an ISO. This is a good example to use for the
K12LTSP thin client image builder.
How to apply updates to chroot?
We would need some kind of obvious (automatic?) thin client chroot
updater. It would use existing tools, yum based.
We need to balance automation for ease while avoiding breakage of user
systems. How is this currently handled in Edubuntu?
Warren Togami
There are two webcast interviews now available to download from last
week: Jim McQuillan and Eric Harrison on LTSP and K12LTSP; and Daniel
Howard, William Fragakis, and Shawn Adams on the Atlanta Public
Schools work with K12LTSP. Unfortunately, the sound wasn't as great
on these recordings, but the topic material was awesome!
Jim and Eric:…
Daniel, William, and Shawn:…
Jim and Eric:…
Daniel, William, and Shawn:…
This Thursday night (August 10), I'll be interviewing Mike Huffman
from Indiana, who will talk about his work on their INAccess program
and the role that Linux is playing in that effort. The one-hour
interview will be broadcast live at 5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDT, and
will also be available afterwards in recorded form. Links to join the
live Skypecast, to leave questions, or to learn more are at
The following weeks I'll be interviewing Michelle Moore
(Remote Learner) about Moodle, Victoria Davis (Westwood Schools) and
Adam Frey (Wikispaces) about Wikis, and Ruth Lutes and Ragavan
Srinivasan (both from HP) about Open Source Licensing. To suggest
future interview topics, or to contribute to the wiki, visit
I'm sorry to say that Miguel Guhlin has had to reconsider his
participation as co-host, and so for the time being I will be flying
solo. Anyone interested in serving as co-host can email me directly.
With Miguel's departure I intend to expand the show to include not
only K12 Open Source topics, but will also include Web 2.0,
educational technology, computer reuse, and some very specific
interviews on Linux thin client. :)
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)
For those interested in Linux thin-client technology, our webcast interviews
on Thursday evening should be noteworthy. We'll be expanding our format for
this week, and holding two interviews. The first, starting at 5:00pm
PDT/8:00pm EDT will be with Jim McQuillan and Eric Harrison. Jim is the
founder and project leader of the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP), and
Eric is one of the lead volunteers for the prepackaged K12LTSP distribution.
The second interview will start at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and will include
Daniel Howard, William Fragakis, and Shawn Adams to discuss the status and
roll-out of Linux thin client in Atlanta Public Schools.
Next week, August 10th, we interview Mike Huffman, the Special Assistant on
Technology for the Indiana Department of Education, who will discuss the use
of Linux and Open Source Software as part of their push for affordable
classroom computers for every secondary student. On August 17th we'll be
interviewing Michelle Moore from Remote Learning about the ever-popular Open
Source program Moodle (and hopefully find out more about the new patent
Instructions on logging into the Skypecast and/or chatroom are on the web at<>.
You can leave questions in advance for our guests at the links indicated in
the schedule. The recorded interviews will be available as podcasts sometime
on Friday. You can subscribe to the RSS feeds for the podcasts for the
interview series using the link
We hope you these interviews are of interest, and encourage your feedback
and comments.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools) - (Linux Thin Client Solutions) - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions) - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)