Hi everybody,
here are some news from yesterday's meeting. I have updated some wiki
pages, so you may have look at the log right here:
On the other hand, I extended the agenda page here:
It now also contains information and results of the meeting.
The major points are:
1. identify the use-case for the spin
2. focus on a specific topic concerning the spin
3. decide whether we want to have a CD or a DVD
4. release the spin (get it approved) and get as much feedback as possible
It was suggested to focus on K12 education software and maybe on a
specific domain for the spin.
In the meantime, we would need help with organizing the edu apps. So
currently, I'm trying to get the list somehow sorted, while Rex has a
look at the comps groups.
If you have any ideas, please feel free to add them to the wiki or to
speak up here.
Thank you!
Best Regards,
Sebastian Dziallas
Hi everybody,
this is a reminder for the meeting, which is scheduled to take place
today, Friday, April 25 at 1800 UTC on #fedora-meeting.
This is going to happen in less than 4 hours right now.
I would be happy to meet you there.
Hi everybody,
I would like to announce the next meeting for
Friday, April 25 at 1800 UTC on #fedora-meeting
An (incomplete) list of topics is here [1]:
Please add new topics, if you have further ideas!
* coordination / cooperation of the different educational efforts in
Fedora (SIG, K12LTSP)
* a new Fedora 9 Education Spin
* various open source educational application
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Education/Agenda
Hi everybody,
last time, things turned out to be somehow difficult to organize (maybe
also due to some mistakes of mine).
I just wanted to make a new proposal for a possible meeting:
I am still going to set up a wiki page, but here [1] are some topics for
the last try.
How about Friday, April 18 at 1900 GMT on #fedora-meeting?
If this somehow a short time frame, let's talk about it and find another
fitting date - it's just a proposal. ;)