*** english Version below ***
Hallo zusammen!
Wie Ihr sicher schon der Homepage des Linuxtages [1] entnommen habt, ist
der Linuxtag in diesem Jahr wieder in Berlin.
Er findet in der Zeit vom 28. Mai bis einschl. 31. Mai 2008 statt.
Fedora wird wieder mit einem größeren Stand vertreten sein, welcher vom
"Linuxtag Team" der Fedora Ambassadors [2] organisiert wird.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn
a.) von der Community Leute auf den Linuxtag kommen und
b.) Der Eine oder Andere sich angesprochen fühlt und mitmachen möchte.
Wir versprechen jede Menge Spass, Arbeit, Fun und die Möglichkeit viele
Größen der Linux-Community einmal live zu erleben. Mit an 100%-tiger
Wahrscheinlichkeit wird Paul Frields [3] den Fedora Project
Verantwortlichen sowie auch Max Spevack [4] seinen Vorgänger am Linuxtag
von Fedora-Seite aus vertreten sein.
Wer Interesse hat mitzuarbeiten, sei es als "Standpersonal" oder im
"OrgaTeam" der möge sich bitte melden!
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Dear *,
maybe you all noticed from the homepage of Linuxtag [1] that the event
is again in Berlin this year.
He will take place from 2008-05-28 till 2008-05-31.
The Fedora Project will be present with a bigger booth, which will be
organized by the "Linuxtag Team" of the Fedora Ambassadors [2].
We would be pleased, if
a.) Community Member will visit us at the LInuxtag and
b.) the one or other will feel spoken to help and attend us as team.
We can promise a lot of fun, work and the possibility to meet in person
some honors of the worldwide Linux community live. Not per 100% for
sure, but we hope that Paul Frields [3] as Fedora Project Leader and
also Max Spevack [4] as former Project Leader will be present.
Who is interested in teamwork, maybe as "booth personal" nor in the
"OrgaTeam" fell free and contact me or someone out of the team ...
[1] http://www.linuxtag.org/2008
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PaulWFrields
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MaxSpevack
Gerold Kassube
Fedora Ambassador
Deutschland / Germany
Schweiz / Switzerland
Email: GeroldKa(a)fedoraproject.org
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Hi all,
First, I would like to tell you about the project itself. Though being
a place at the outskirts of Durgapur (India), Bijra hardly had any
access to computer related education. So we did setup an LTSP
server-client system at a school down there as a primary part of our
project [1].
But the story just begins here. Now, the students and teachers alike
are increasingly and critically using FOSS elements/softwares as an
aide or learning tools over there [2]. Specifically, KDE Edutainment
package, project gutenburg etc. are practical examples of such aides.
The students use KBruch to do mental maths, KGeography to brush up
their geography and simultaneously these made the teachers' life lot
easier. But there is a problem. There are **no** maps of India in the
kgeography, let apart the state & city maps. Now, in simple terms, a
techie geek in general needs no geography but the students need to
learn the same. So a typical solution would be a geeky write-up how to
add maps adapted from the KGeography Handbook [3] for their aid.
Initially, I even made such an attempt: Insight into KGeography [4].
As Indranil Dasgupta[5] posted, "It was fairly good! And it was also
just plain WRONG! If we wanted the experiment to get the geography and
history and language and science teachers to collaborate, really
scale, then we needed to speak in THEIR terms, and NOT speak __to__
them in our language."
So following the pedagogy in OLPC [6] which housed a collaborative
activity-oriented approach, we tried an "activity oriented approach".
So, instead of talking tech to a geography teacher regarding XML
layouts and all, we can actually discuss with them in terms of drawing
maps, colouring them, adding them and creating questions and
interactive activities around the maps with which they are already
familiar with. Well, in this case I re-made the entire stuff and ended
up with a sort of draft presentation "Lets' add the map of India in
KGeography" [7].
The whole idea is to present the tech thingy in a more structured,
focussed and digestable format to get the much needed things done.
Thus this activity oriented approach has double advantages, the
students not only gets to learn much more about their subjects using
FOSS elements but also gets to know the technical aspects.
So please put up your comments, suggestions for improvements regarding
this and brickbats if any :)
[1] [http://bijra.dgplug.org]
[2] Videos: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp6ABm5B7IQ]
[3] [http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/kgeography/]
[4] [http://arindamghosh.wordpress.com/2007/12/26/insight-into-kgeography/]
[5] [http://indradg.randomink.org/blog]
[6] [http://laptop.org]
[7] [http://arindamghosh.wordpress.com/2008/01/03/add-the-map-of-india-into-kgeo…]
Arindam Ghosh
Fedora Ambassador
GPG Key: 0EE58920
Key Server: http://pgp.mit.edu