(Got this working, but slightly confused as to what happened)
I upgraded to FC6 over the weekend and found that my normal
port forwarding trick to get Samba access to my home machine
through a proxy stopped working, before I had something like
this (running cygwin ssh):
ssh -L ian(a) -f -N -i somekey
(The strange forwarding from is to overcome the
fact that Windows will only try this port for Samba. The
login at is because I have to forward ssh over a proxy).
But this started giving me connection refused messages.
Trying Putty gave the same result, I also had a go at
localhost instead to see if I'd done something funny to my
hostname. No success. However, using explicitly
ssh -L ian(a) -f -N -i somekey
Is fine, what I want to know is does this have something to
do with IPV6? Either somewhere in samba or in sshd?
$ cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
::1 atlas.millroad atlas localhost.localdomain localhost
I'm also having a problem with vnc, running a vnc server
on localhost I can connect to it from a windows machine,
but not from localhost. Could this be related? (Tried
with and without compiz, but I haven't done enough work
on it yet to describe the problem properly.)