For the first time, the nomination period for the to-be formed Fedora Localization Steering Committee is now open. FLSCo will consist of 7 people from our translation community and these will be the project leaders for the upcoming 6 months.
Want to be part of all this? Have some briljant ideas for making the translation project even better? Sign up on de nominations page at
Nominations are open from April 7th until April 13th. The election will take place from April 14th until April 20th.
All members of the cvsl10n group in the Fedora Accounts System have the right to become member of FLSCo and will be able to vote in the election.
You might be asking why we are doing this? Because it's the right thing to do, and it also happens to be required by the Fedora Project. We feel that a lot of people in this project have great ideas and fresh points of view which will help the Fedora L10N Project become way better!
More information on the election can be found at:
More information on FLSCo can be found at:
Thanks for all your hard work with the translation of Fedora 9!