Name: Zheng Lei
Location: Changsha, China
Login: zhenglei
Language: Chinese
Profession: Software Developer
About Me:
I graduated from Chongqing university in 2014, after graduation I work in the Inspur, currently in the Kylin, are engaged in software development on Linux operating system. I work in the Linux store related in the Inspur and the Linux security related in the Kylin. Hobbies are watching TV, playing games, singing, etc.
Me and the Fedora Project:
I'm interested in some open-source fedora projects, such as freeIPA. In order to facilitate us to better know and use these projects functions and their international promotion, I want to do translation work. I hope in the future there will be more enthusiasts to join to the translation of this big family, and create a better tomorrow for us.
GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
Key fingerprint = BD5C C233 3AA4 C7CC 1FEC 2DD4 4D5C 5F68 EBE2 5CEF