Hello everyone,
I am glad you are interested in participating as a speaker in the Google
Summer of Code and Outreachy Project Showcase talk at FLOCK 2018. I am
extremely sorry for the late email. I have been very busy the past few
weeks due to my semester ending exams.
If you want to participate in the talk as a speaker, it is still not too
late. You need to be
- Involved in Google Summer of Code or Outreachy as a student, mentor
or org admin
- Attend FLOCK 2018
Currently, the *agenda of the talk *is going to be something like this:
1. GSoC, Outreachy and fedora's involvement in these programs ( 5 mins)
2. Qualities of a good GSoC/Outreachy project idea and process to propose a
project idea. (5 mins)
3. If possible, a little introduction from Fedora co-ordinators for the
program (2-3 mins)
4. Showcase of GSoC and Outreachy projects from current and previous rounds
(Max 5 mins per project)
* GSoC students/Outreachy interns will give a short presentation overview
of their project
5. Mentors talking about their experience and tips for future mentors (Max
5 mins per mentor)
6. Q-A session
*If you are a Google Summer of Code student or Outreachy intern,*
I am glad you want to showcase your project. It is a nice platform to get
feedback on your work and network.
* We would love to see a demo of your project
* If this is not possible, please prepare a short slide deck about your
project (not more than 7 slides). Please send it to me (
bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org) or Jona Azizaj (jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org)
latest by *Tuesday 7 August 2359 CET*.
* Apart from the project, it would be great if you can talk a bit about
your broader experience with fedora community, how this internship has
helped you and possibly, tips and suggestions for future mentors.
* Please limit your talk to 5 mins max.
* If you have any suggestions or need anything to help you showcase your
project better, let me (bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org) or Jona Azizaj (
jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org) know latest by *Tuesday 7 August 2359 CET.*
*If you are a Google Summer of Code or Outreachy mentor,*
I am glad you are interested in talking about your experience with Google
Summer of Code and Outreachy programs. This will be helpful for community
members who will be proposing a project in forthcoming rounds.
* Here are some suggested ideas which we would love to hear about :
- Qualities of a good project idea proposal (scope, difficulty
level and how well defined should it be etc.)
- Useful tips for mentors during application period ( Qualities to
look for while selecting students, how to create easy beginner tasks for
initial contribution etc. )
- Useful tips for mentors during internship ( How many hours does
mentoring take, problems you faced, tips on communicating with student etc)
You are welcome to talk on topics beyond this as long as they are related
to your mentorship experience in Google Summer of Code and Outreachy
* Slides are welcome, but not necessary. Let us know if you are using
slides via email - me (bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org) or Jona Azizaj (
jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org) latest by *Tuesday 7 August 2359 CET*. If you
are using slides, it would be great if you could send us your slides by
then too.
* Please limit your talk to 5 mins max.
*If you are a Google Summer of Code or Outreachy Org admin,*
We would love to hear a small introduction from you about the program and
provide some tips to future mentors and students. If you can participate,
let me (bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org) or Jona Azizaj (
jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org) know latest by *Tuesday 7 August 2359 CET*.
*General Instructions:*
** We would also like to know your telegram id or phone number i.e. some
real time contact information for communicating problems with slides or
demo, if there are any. You can message it to me(bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org
<bee2502(a)fedoraproject.org>) or Jona Azizaj (jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org
<jonatoni(a)fedoraproject.org> via a private email or via telegram @bee2502.
* Please be there at talk venue atleast 5 mins before talk starts. *
Let me know if you have any further questions or if something is unclear.
Feedback on the agenda is welcome.
See you at flock!