mentions a
coding test that students have to pass - where do we find out more about
the test, how to administer it, how it's designed, etc? (I can
understand the test itself being non-public so students will take it on
even footing.)
I've been searching but unable to find stuff, so if it's simply that I'm
missing something, just let me know. ;)
Meeting reminder- 1500 UTC #fedora-meeting
I'm still working on some stuff for that page, it's evolving, but the
main items are up. Here are the new in-progress plan and information
# Status update:
* Relevant pages 50% ready.
# as a place to build-out functionality we all need.
* Has bug:potential_contributor connector.
* Has automagic to compile and reveal contributor profile.
* Could have missions for would-be contributors, with difficulty
* and interest levels.
# Task organization
* Define tasks and categories (for Trac population).
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture
gpg: AD0E0C41
Here is the current list of tasks to be done:
# jreznik to bring Brno summer coding opportunities discussion to the
list for further planning.
# mchua to start discussion with to find out how we can
integrate our ideas/needs pool
# quaid to start [[Summer Coding 2010]] as central page for this
year's work.
# need to set deadline for school participation
# need to set specific list of what a school needs to decide/figure
out before deadline
One item that we agreed to but I forgot to include in the summary is
that effective immediately, we are using #fedora-summer-coding for
this SIG's discussion and work. #fedora-gsoc is going to be put aside
for the year. #redhat-summer is still a brand-neutral umbrella
organization discussion point, when needed.
Minutes (text):…
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture
gpg: AD0E0C41
> from
> Máirín Duffy wrote:
> How about working with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s RPI Center
> for Open Source? Can Fedora work with RCOS as
> well?
I'd hope so!
Perhaps what we should even do is make a call for schools to do
*exactly* what RPI is doing, that is to say "we've got student stipends
for projects, we'll pay them, we just need a structure of
supervision/evaluation to plug them into... hey, Fedora, yours works,
What does the school-to-summer-coding interface look like, in other words?
PS: Karsten, how did the Olin sponsorship get in - are they actually
putting aside stipend for open source work? I haven't heard that one,
but could easily have missed stuff. (For those who don't know, I'm an
Olin alum.)
This is what I just posted:
Summary - I'm disappointed, but Google's program isn't the only thing
we're doing here, and that means we're going to focus on the rest of
our list.
* Develop and use the model:…
* Work with RIT, Olin, and other schools that show up with a pool of
- We have the mentors, the sub-projects, and the process to put them
* Max Spevack and I spoke today and we'll be committing some of our
education budget to make Red Hat a sponsoring organization. We'll
send out more details soon.
* Red Hat continues to run an internship program, and other open
source companies may as well. There is an intersection with our
Summer Coding SIG, we just need to figure it out. If you know a
department that is hiring interns this summer, ask them to
participate in our SIG.
With three sponsoring organizations, we have something to do this
cheers - Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture
gpg: AD0E0C41