Hi, folks. I'm checking the release criteria again for Fedora.next compatibility, and there's an Alpha criterion with obvious issues:
"Package sets
When doing a graphical install using the dedicated installer images, the installer must be able to install each of the release blocking desktops, as well as the minimal package set. "
This was obviously written to the world where we had generic installer images - the DVD, and intentionally-generic netinsts. We do not have those things any more.
Do we want to dump this criterion entirely, or is there any of it we would like to keep? For instance, would we consider it 'release blocking' functionality for you to be able to do some/any of the above from the Server and/or Workstation network install images *after configuring the repos manually*? Particularly, the minimal installation? I'm not sure F21 as currently conceived would offer an avenue for doing an interactive minimal installation.
Basically, it comes down to: do we want to have a blessed method for doing a network install of KDE and/or minimal? If so, do we want to block releases on it?
On Mon, 2014-09-29 at 18:22 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
Hi, folks. I'm checking the release criteria again for Fedora.next compatibility, and there's an Alpha criterion with obvious issues:
For Pete's sake, I suck at email today - again I got my addresses wrong, and sent this as well as test@ and server@ to 'workstation@', which doesn't exist. Please correct if replying-to-all. thanks.