The latest version for testing is currently Rawhide 2024-02-10
Please, we need some more tester!
Local DVD Installation
I noticed:
- The initial menu (with Install.. Test… ) the frame is completely offset to the right, not centered.
- Keyboard does not react or reacts very slowly to the Enter key to select an action before the default waiting time has elapsed
- Error messages appear when booting after the media test:
* [Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata: please update microcode to version 0x20 (or later)
* overlayfs: failed to resolve '/run/overlayfs': -2
Everything worked fine nevertheless, bug is at least ugly
- In the menu for selecting the country option, keyboard control initially works very slowly and without visual feedback as to which item is currently active. Mouse works fine.
- Bei Custom Partitionierung hält Anaconda nicht die Reihenfolge ein, in der die Partitionen erzeugt werden. Das führt zu Problemen, wenn man später die Partitionieren anpassen will / muss.
- The LVM /etc/lvm/devices/system.devices device file is obviously created correctly in connection with the installation and adapted to the target machine (in this case with the RAIDs). And is therefore present.
- Post installation tasks, everything worked well
These items are not severe issues but should get improved for a polished release.
Adding virtualization support
Everything went fine. But we get a lot of superfluous stuff installed, e.g. libwayland-server or spice-server and audio stuff.
I suppose, Cockpit is the culprit again, but have to check it in detail.
Instantiation of VMs
Everything went fine. The LVM device file is correct, also probably not during instantiation, but part of the image. I have yet to check that.
Aarch64 SBC
The installation issue on server host is still existing.
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
I tried with latest rawhide 20240210.
It does not work out of the box yet. I got the same error messages.
I tried fix 2 as provided by David Teigland and added the target device temporarily with
lvmdevices —adddev /dev/mmcblk0
Before executing arm-image-installer. That works fine. A
lvmdevices —deldev /dev/mmcblk0
restores the original configuration nicely.
I also gave the other fix proposal, adding —-devices /dev/foo, to each vg* command a short try, but endet with a 'No command with matching syntax recognised.“ Obviously the script logic is a bit more complex than I realized at first short glance.
@pwhalen Please, could you test this variant? Or send me a valid patch for version 3.9 so that I can test it?
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast