Hello. The redir package was orphaned some time ago. I often use this command and I would like to continue to see it in the Fedora repository. Original (upstream) redir software is at version 2.2.1 for many years, and it seems that upstream is no more maintaining/developing it.
However there is a 3.x version maintained on github. The new upstream developer states that: "Redir was originally created by Sam [http://sammy.net/~sammy/hacks/%5DCreasey%5Bhttp://sammy.net/~sammy/hacks/] and is now developed and maintained at GitHub[https://github.com/troglobit/redir] by Joachim Nilsson[http://troglobit.com]." Indeed the command, its options and how it operates are the same.
However, since upstream source code location for version 3.x should change, and since the spec file should require some interventions, like removing patch files and some other stuff, does the package require a re-review?
Thanks, A.