ampaign=cleve_view_01022013> Shiftgig
A Better Year Starts with Better Hiring
Your staff should be like your wristwatch: you should set it, forget it and
trust that it works. So what if you could find people that way, vet them,
and hire them faster...without spending anything?
Shiftgig lets you
ampaign=atl_view_01022013> view thousands of Atlanta-area service industry
candidates, including profiles, industry and social connections, reviews,
ratings, photos and more. From one employer screen, you can view all your
applications, including those that come from dozens of employment sites
where we post your job at no charge.
ampaign=cleve_view_01022013> View Service Industry Candidates
Here's to a successful 2013 for your business and your customers!
Business Development Manager
Shiftgig -
ampaign=cleve_view_01022013> The Professional Network of the Service
Shiftgig | 321 N. Clark St. | Chicago, Illinois
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