I am preparing replacement of versioned MODULE_COMPAT_ requires by dependency generators. More details about the change can be found in mail thread [1].
The dependency generator, which I have prepared for Fedora, does not work for EPEL.
I would like to help maintainers who prefer one version of the spec file for all releases, if it is possible.
Could be the following file added to the package epel-rpm-macros (or anything like this) for EPEL 9? $ cat perlcompat.attr %__perlcompat_requires() %{lua: local path = rpm.expand('%1') local perl_ver = rpm.expand('%{perl_version}') if path:match('.+%.so$') and perl_ver ~= "" then print('perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_' .. perl_ver .. ')') else print('perl-libs') end } %__perlcompat_path ^(%{perl_vendorarch}|%{perl_vendorlib}|%{perl_privlib}|%{perl_archlib})/.+
But I don't know how to do it for EPEL 7/8, because the above file doesn't work. It ends with error [2]: error: Couldn't exec perl-libs: No such file or directory
Do you have any idea if there is any other way how to provide maintainers this functionality for EPEL 7/8?
Thanks for any advice, Jitka
[1] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/... [2] https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/jplesnik/perl-epel/centos...