On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:29:33 -0600, Mike McCarty wrote:
I give up. Linux is a religion. Linus is the Pope. No one can question it. Heretics are vilified and run out of town on a rail.
On the subject of READING OTHER PEOPLES' POSTS... perhaps you should do that first. This list of full of people discussing problems with Fedora.
Here we have a chance to take 5 minutes to run top, and see what the CPU utilization is. It would literally take five minutes.
I am 99.44% sure that nothing would turn up. But what would it cost?
It costs actually considering the possibility that Linux might have one line of code which is not perfect.
That's a priori impossible. Because the Pope is never wrong, and the Holy Religion cannot be questioned. I am anathema.
So, an opportunity possibly to improve Linux passes us by because we can't take the time to run top once.
I'm reminded of the famous line supposedly spoken by a german commander when the invasion in Normandy began, and he couldn't inform German High Command: "Wir werden den Krieg verloren, weil der Fuehrer einige Schlaftabletten genommen hat, und nicht zu stoeren ist."
[snip rest of drivel and pseudo-intellectual nonsense]
It's futile to suggest actually to collect any data on Linux behavior if there is any threat it might reveal a wart on its nose, because the suggestion will be rejected out of hand.
You are an idiot. These people have tried to be reasonable with you and discuss what is wrong with your system. All you've done is make a colossal arse of yourself. Congratulations... especially on using your real name. It'll make for interesting googling by your workmates in a few years.