Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-30/insight.2011-08-3... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-30/insight.2011-08-3... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-30/insight.2011-08-3...
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (stickster, 20:00:36)
* Last week's action items (stickster, 20:02:52) * LINK: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-23/insight.2011-08-2... <-- last week's minutes (stickster, 20:03:15) * stickster handled items 3 and 4, and started work on porting the authfas module (stickster, 20:03:38) * ACTION: stickster Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts (30 min for stg, 4 hrs for prod) (stickster, 20:03:48) * ACTION: stickster Find out whether openid is capable of passing group membership data (stickster, 20:03:55) * stickster created a git branch in the features repo for 'staging' so we could keep that separate from 'master' which will hook to the production system (stickster, 20:04:31)
* Development status & work (stickster, 20:06:28) * stickster working on D7 porting for authfas in case we decide we want to move up to D7 (stickster, 20:06:57) * ACTION: stickster and asrob will look at Coder module to see if it can help with the port of authfas module to D7 (stickster, 20:15:39)
* Possible D7 migration (stickster, 20:16:37) * IDEA: Continue to look at D7 migration, but base decision on critical path needs, followed by "nice to have" things (stickster, 20:31:31) * ACTION: asrob and stickster to discuss setting up a D7 exemplar on the insight01.dev host (stickster, 20:36:18)
* Puppetizing (stickster, 20:37:17) * IDEA: stickster would like to start by puppetizing the Features stuff on staging next. The dev host is done already. (stickster, 20:37:40)
* Open floor (stickster, 20:39:18)
Meeting ended at 20:42:09 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * stickster Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts (30 min for stg, 4 hrs for prod) * stickster Find out whether openid is capable of passing group membership data * stickster and asrob will look at Coder module to see if it can help with the port of authfas module to D7 * asrob and stickster to discuss setting up a D7 exemplar on the insight01.dev host
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * asrob * stickster and asrob will look at Coder module to see if it can help with the port of authfas module to D7 * asrob and stickster to discuss setting up a D7 exemplar on the insight01.dev host * stickster * stickster Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts (30 min for stg, 4 hrs for prod) * stickster Find out whether openid is capable of passing group membership data * stickster and asrob will look at Coder module to see if it can help with the port of authfas module to D7 * asrob and stickster to discuss setting up a D7 exemplar on the insight01.dev host * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (64) * asrob (30) * zodbot (3) * nirik (1)
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