Hello folks,
at the moment, RHEL 6 is not shipping the "cluster-glue-libs-devel" which
is created during build of the "cluster-glue" package. The package itself
is a copy of the "cluster-glue" package in Fedora.
Unfortunately, the "cluster-glue-libs-devel" package is required to rebuild
the "heartbeat" package for EPEL-6. There is already a bug report for RHEL
6 (#692940) and this issue is likely to be fixed in RHEL 6.1 or 6.2 - but
depends on whom you ask somehow.
But for the time until RHEL 6.1 (we're at beta right now, right?), it would
be very helpful to have already "heartbeat" available. As the meeting today
in IRC was not really helpful either, here are possible options:
a) Rebuild whole "cluster-glue" with same ENVRA as in RHEL 6 and remove
the package from EPEL once a fixed version makes it into RHEL 6.x
b) Rebuild whole "cluster-glue" with lower ENVRA as in RHEL 6 and change
requirement between "cluster-glue-libs-devel" and "cluster-glue-libs"
from "%{version}-%{release}" to "%{version}"
c) Rebuild only "cluster-glue-libs-devel" with same ENVRA as in RHEL 6 and
remove the package from EPEL once a fixed version makes it into RHEL
6.x. Unfortunately "cluster-glue-libs-devel" does not only contain some
header files and symlinks to libraries in "cluster-glue-libs", but also
a few (unimportant?) binaries, which leaves four further options:
1) Source RPM is "cluster-glue" and thus "cluster-glue-debuginfo" is
appearing after build which conflicts with "cluster-glue-debuginfo"
from RHEL 6, because they've the same package
2) Source RPM is "cluster-glue-libs" -> "cluster-glue-libs-debuginfo"
is appearing after build which is not conflicting anything, but it
is not really perfect matching the Guidelines
3) Source RPM is "cluster-glue" and we simply disable the -debuginfo
package generation and have three unstripped tiny binaries
4) Source RPM is "cluster-glue" and we remove these binaries that will
create the -debuginfo package (but somebody then needs to ensure,
that they are really not needed at all)
Personally, I'm preferring c) + 2) or c) + 4) if somebody is able to do the
verification required by 4).
I'm willing to do a working Source RPM for any of the combinations above
and open a Package Review Request in Red Hat Bugzilla if we're able to get
a decision here that brings the "cluster-glue-libs-devel" into EPEL 6. Of
course somebody then also needs to the Package Review... ;-)
Oh, waiting till RHEL 6.1 or 6.2 and crossing fingers that Red Hat is maybe
going to solve this issue is not an option for me. I need heartbeat and I
don't see a good reason to wait for RHEL 6.1 or 6.2 as we really can solve
this here easily.
Ideas? Comments? Recommendations? Votings?