== Summary == See Now we are changing the default to be <code>%global _python_bytecompile_extra 0</code>.
== Owner == * Name: Miro HronĨok (Churchyard) * Name: Petr Viktorin (pviktori) * Email:,
== Detailed Description ==
See thed etailed Description of the previous Change Proposal:
We will now set <code>%_python_bytecompile_extra</code> to <code>0</code> by default.
All packages that ship Python 3 bytecode outside of Python 3 directories should be preferably converted to use <code>%py_byte_compile</code>, but if they are not, it's fine.
We'll check all pyc/pyo files shipped by packages. We'll check if those are explicitly compiled using <code>%py_byte_compile</code>. If not, we mass push `%global _python_bytecompile_extra 1` to the package specs to make them work. It's up the package maintainers to adjust the package to the new style (or keep the line forever).
== Benefit to Fedora == See
== Scope == * Proposal owners: Change the default, slightly change the guidelines, get the list of packages, push the change into them.
* Other developers: Maintainers of python3 packages are encouraged to change their packages to use explicit <code>%py_byte_compile</code> (not a System Wide Change, they don't have to do anything).
* Policies and guidelines: will be changed as described in description
== Upgrade/compatibility impact == None expected.
== How To Test == N/A
== User Experience == The users of this change are packagers. The new behavior should make byte-compilation more obvious, explicit, and discoverable. Users of Fedora should not feel this (except if this change uncovers a packaging bug).
== Contingency Plan == * Contingency mechanism: we'll finish the change later (not a System Wide Change)
== Documentation == The guidelines will be the documentation.
== Release Notes == This change does not deserve Release Notes, it is not user facing.