In an effort to be even more open, responsive, and reliable, Fedora
Release Engineering has created an email to Trac gateway. Email
requests for release engineering tasks sent to rel-eng(a)
will now be turned into tickets filed in the rel-eng Trac space. This
will allow for better visibility in the tasks needing to be done, a more
public record of task discussions, and better record keeping to prevent
things from falling through the email cracks.
Any person that mails this address should receive an automated response
from the Trac system regarding their ticket with a URL that they can
visit to track the ticket progress, make updates, etc...
Along with using email to submit tickets, email can also be used to
update tickets. So long as you are replying to the mail you get from
Trac about said ticket, and you keep the subject line intact, your email
response will update the ticket.
Please let us know either via email or through the #fedora-admin IRC
channel if you experience any difficulties with this new setup.
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!