Hey, folks. It's that time again - time to start thinking about Test
Days for Fedora 18.
For anyone who isn't aware, a Test Day is an event usually focused
around IRC for interaction and a Wiki page for instructions and results,
with the aim being to get a bunch of interested users and developers
together to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. You can
run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do
some fairly focused testing in 'real time' with a group of testers; it
doesn't have to be code, for instance we often run Test Days for
l10n/i18n topics. For more information on Test Days, see
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days .
Anyone who wants to can host their own Test Day, or you can request that
the QA group helps you out with organization, or any combination of the
two. To propose a Test Day, just file a ticket in QA trac - full details
are at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/Create . For
instructions on hosting a Test Day, see
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management .
You can see the schedule at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Fedora_18_test_days . There are many
slots open right now, with the earliest on 2012-08-09 and the latest
2012-11-01. Consider the development schedule, though, in deciding when
you want to run your Test Day - for some topics you may want to avoid
the time before the Alpha release or the time after the feature freeze
or the Final freeze.
We normally aim to schedule Test Days on Thursdays; however, if you want
to run a series of related Test Days, it's often a good idea to do
something like Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday of the same week (this is
how we usually run the X Test Week, for instance). If all the Thursday
slots fill up but more people want to run Test Days, we will open up
Tuesday slots as overflows. And finally, if you really want to run a
Test Day in a specific timeframe due to the development schedule, but
the Thursday slot for that week is full, we can add a slot on another
day. We're flexible! Just put in your ticket the date or timeframe you'd
like, and we'll figure it out from there.
If you have any questions about the Test Day process, please don't
hesitate to contact me or any other member of the QA team on test@ or in
#fedora-qa on IRC. Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora
REMINDER: Tuesday, August 07 is the Feature Freeze for Fedora 18,
the Planning & Development phase ends.
At this point, all accepted features should be substantially complete,
and testable. Additionally, if a feature is to be enabled by default,
it must be so enabled at Feature Freeze. Check [1] and [2].
Feature owners - please make sure to update the percentage of completion
and the last updated date. If you're not sure to make the deadline,
please let me know and update current status to reflect the issues you
hit. It's going to help me a lot to understand what's going on with
your feature. Features that do not make Feature Freeze in testeable
state will be submitted to FESCo for re-review to assure we should
promote them as Features. Currently we have 61 Features approved by
FESCo and one still waiting for approval.
In case of any questions etc., feel free to contact me - I'm still very
friendly Feature Wrangler, especially to all Feature owners with 85%+
percentage of completion ;-)
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Feature_Freeze_Policy
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Policy/Milestones#Feature_Freeze
Jaroslav Řezník <jreznik(a)redhat.com>
Your Feature Wrangler
Office: +420 532 294 275
Mobile: +420 602 797 774
Red Hat, Inc. http://www.redhat.com/
A few important Fedora milestones reminders:
* Feature Submission deadline is *TODAY*, 2012-07-24 and you still
have a time to submit a new Feature proposal. Reminder: it has to be
in the ReadyForWrangler category, see [1].
* Feature Freeze is in two weeks from now, 2012-08-07. Please keep
in mind that it's the time when your feature has to be in *substantially
complete and in a testable state!* Check the Feature Freeze policy [2].
As we are already so far in the Fedora 18 development phase, please,
make sure to update your feature according to the current state -
completion percentage and the last update too. If you're *at risk* of not
making the Feature Freeze, please update your feature page accordingly
and let me know. The community can help a lot, communication is the
key. I've already contacted a few of you and expect more reminder emails
from me :) I'm constantly updating FeatureList according to your input
and approved features by FESCo.
You can check currently approved features [3] and see what's going
on in Fedora 18 lands.
Important note: the correct schedule is on Wiki [4], sorry for the
problems with generated TaskJuggler schedules and calendars. We
are working on fixing it with Robyn.
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Policy
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/FeatureFreezePolicy
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/FeatureList
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/Schedule
Hash: SHA1
it was requested in https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5222 that
we do a mass rebuild for Fedora 18 for
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DwarfCompressor and
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/MiniDebugInfo due to a mix up
in dates it was going to start on 2012-07-30 but since that only gives
a week to do the rebuild before branching for f18 on 2012-08-07 we will
be starting the mass rebuild on 2012-07-18
This is a heads up that it will be done in a side tag and moved over
when completed. We will be running scripts to output failure stats.
please be sure to let releng know if you see any bugs in the reporting.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
This a friendly reminder that The Fedora 18 Feature Submission
Deadline is coming soon (maybe too soon for some of you;-) - see
the Fedora 18 Schedule [1] - and it's exactly in one week,
on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. After this date newly submitted
features will be targeted for Fedora 19 unless an exception
is granted by FESCo. So, think about the stuff you're working on
if it deserves the broader visibility within the release and
submit it as a feature, see Feature process Policy [2].
Feature Freeze follows in other next two weeks (2012-08-07) and
Features should be *substantially complete and in a testable state*
at this point [3].
Please take a look on accepted Fedora 18 Features so far to
check what's going to happen in Spherical Cow, if there are no
conflicts with your features or you have a cool idea how to extend/
help with the features itself.
Also - for the owners of already accepted features - please update
the current status of your feature (both completion percentage and
last updated date). I'll go through the list in a next few days to
update the main FeatureList page. After that time I can't promise
you a friendly reminder but...
Thanks for all for the amazing job!
Your Feature Wrangler
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/Schedule
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Policy
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/FeatureFreezePolicy
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/FeatureList
Btw. in case you'll need a help with Feature, feel free to contact
me (email, ping etc.).
I'm working on perl upgrade in rawhide
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/perl5.16) and I'm happy I'm
almost finished with rebuilding all perl packages into special f18-perl
build root in Koji.
That means I will merge the f18-perl build root back to f18 very
soon (in a few days). I believe this will be safe and sound operation
and you should not notice any harm.
The only issue I forsee is a few notifications about broken dependencies
(mainly unsatisfied perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.*)). There will be two
groups of packages hit by this problem:
(1) Packages that have been upgraded in standard f18 build root since
rebuild in f18-perl. You do not need to take care about them. I will fix
them by rebuilding them again.
(2) Packages that could not been rebuilt because of some bug. I know
about them. They are 15 in total and I will file FTBFS bugs for them into
-- Petr