I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install. I had to go to the Brother website to get a script to run. The instructions for the script had the wrong name for it. None of the default options for Brother printers came close. The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
Nothing actually prints. Not even a test page. The printer never comes out of deep sleep. How do I fix this? It worked with Centos 7, but I do not know what I did.
In my experience, there is no such thing as a small problem when it comes to installing a printer on Linux: Either it just works or it requires a mighty effort. I am getting mighty tired of mighty efforts.
BTW how do I change the default from single- to double-sided?
On Sun, 27 Dec 2020, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install.
The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
Nothing actually prints. Not even a test page. The printer never comes out of deep sleep. How do I fix this? It worked with Centos 7, but I do not know what I did.
Some additional information:
The output of jurnalctl -u -cups -e includes unable to read device-id . root@localhost cups]# lpinfo -v serial serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=115200 file cups-brf:/ network beh network socket network ipp network lpd network http direct parallel:/dev/lp0 network ipps network https direct usb://Brother/HL-L2360D%20series?serial=U63883B7N499687 direct hp direct hpfax network smb [root@localhost cups]#
lpadmin -p charcoal -o usb-unidir-default=true produces nothing.
My two-cents:
Buy the cheapest Chromebook you can find. At least that way you will know the printer works with Linux.
Please don't shoot the messenger. LOL !
David Locklear
On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 11:42 PM Michael Hennebry < hennebry@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote:
lpadmin -p charcoal -o usb-unidir-default=true produces nothing.
On 12/28/20 12:41 AM, David wrote:
Buy the cheapest Chromebook you can find.
Throwing somebody else's money at the problem should never, ever be the answer. There have been times in my life that even the cheapest computer would have been more than I could afford, and I'll bet that I'm not the only person on this list who's been that broke.
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 12/28/20 12:41 AM, David wrote:
Buy the cheapest Chromebook you can find.
Throwing somebody else's money at the problem should never, ever be the answer. There have been times in my life that even the cheapest computer
Doesn't matter: It worked under Centos 7. Alas I do not remember what I did.
On 28/12/2020 12:57, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install. I had to go to the Brother website to get a script to run. The instructions for the script had the wrong name for it. None of the default options for Brother printers came close. The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
I don't have a Brother printer. But for fun I downloaded linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1. When I ran it according to the instructions I got the following
[root@f32k egreshko]# bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 HL-L2360D You are going to install following packages. hll2360dlpr-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm hll2360dcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm OK? [y/N] ->
Does that match with your experience?
--- The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
On Mon, 2020-12-28 at 17:38 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 28/12/2020 12:57, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install. I had to go to the Brother website to get a script to run. The instructions for the script had the wrong name for it. None of the default options for Brother printers came close. The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
I don't have a Brother printer. But for fun I downloaded linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1. When I ran it according to the instructions I got the following
[root@f32k egreshko]# bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 HL-L2360D You are going to install following packages. hll2360dlpr-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm hll2360dcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm OK? [y/N] ->
Does that match with your experience?
For the record, I do have a Brother printer (DCP-7055W all-in-one) and have done exactly that. Works fine for me (after installing the RPMs of course).
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 28/12/2020 12:57, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install. I had to go to the Brother website to get a script to run. The instructions for the script had the wrong name for it. None of the default options for Brother printers came close. The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
I don't have a Brother printer. But for fun I downloaded linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1. When I ran it according to the instructions I got the following
[root@f32k egreshko]# bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 HL-L2360D You are going to install following packages. hll2360dlpr-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm hll2360dcupswrapper-3.2.0-1.i386.rpm OK? [y/N] ->
Does that match with your experience?
It's close. The instructions had the wrong script name. The file I downloaded had two scripts, neither of which was named in the instructions. For some reason I used ash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 HL-L2360DW even though linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 is there. For some reason the File browser is only showing linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . ls shows both. Their container is gone.
IIRC I did get those rpms installed. I have to go by memory, because I can find no record of what I'd done except for bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 HL-L2360DW in history. root@localhost ~]# yum list --installed '*brp*' Error: No matching Packages to list [root@localhost ~]# First several other packages installed. IIRC at least one name included glibc . I'm not sure why. I'd already been using g++ . All those packages made me think huh, but seemed harmless.
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Michael Hennebry wrote:
It's close. The instructions had the wrong script name. The file I downloaded had two scripts, neither of which was named in the instructions. For some reason I used ash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 HL-L2360DW
Actualy, bash, not ash.
even though linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 is there. For some reason the File browser is only showing linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . ls shows both. Their container is gone.
I tried deleting both printers (I wanted charcoal) and running linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . I got a lot of error messages about things already existing and eventually an offer to print a test page. I typed y, but the page was never printed.
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 7:22 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I tried deleting both printers (I wanted charcoal) and running linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . I got a lot of error messages about things already existing and eventually an offer to print a test page. I typed y, but the page was never printed.
I have a DCP-L2550DW that works well. In case it might help, here is my saved instruction for when I upgrade Fedora. This has been tested to work. Clearly you need to adjust it for your model...
(Should check for an updated version before doing any of this) cd /home/doug/download/installed/Brother-printer < moved them into version based folders now. sudo ./uninstaller_brscan4 sudo ./uninstaller_brscan-skey sudo ./uninstaller_DCPL2550DW
sudo ./linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 Input model name ->DCP-L2550DW OK? [y/N] ->y Will you specify the Device URI? [Y/n] ->Y 13 (I): Specify IP address. select the number of destination Device URI. ->13 enter IP address -> Test Print? [y/N] ->y
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 10:13 AM, Doug H. wrote:
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 7:22 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I tried deleting both printers (I wanted charcoal) and running linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . I got a lot of error messages about things already existing and eventually an offer to print a test page. I typed y, but the page was never printed.
I have a DCP-L2550DW that works well. In case it might help, here is my saved instruction for when I upgrade Fedora. This has been tested to work. Clearly you need to adjust it for your model...
(Should check for an updated version before doing any of this) cd /home/doug/download/installed/Brother-printer < moved them into version based folders now. sudo ./uninstaller_brscan4 sudo ./uninstaller_brscan-skey sudo ./uninstaller_DCPL2550DW
sudo ./linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 Input model name ->DCP-L2550DW OK? [y/N] ->y Will you specify the Device URI? [Y/n] ->Y 13 (I): Specify IP address. select the number of destination Device URI. ->13 enter IP address -> Test Print? [y/N] ->y
Something else to consider. If I were having trouble with it I would want to dnf erase anything installed before trying again, so...
10:17-doug@wombat-~>rpm -qa |egrep "brscan|dcpl" brscan4-0.4.9-1.x86_64 brscan4-0.4.8-1.x86_64 brscan-skey-0.3.1-1.x86_64 dcpl2550dwpdrv-4.0.0-1.i386
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Doug H. wrote:
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 7:22 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I tried deleting both printers (I wanted charcoal) and running linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1 . I got a lot of error messages about things already existing and eventually an offer to print a test page. I typed y, but the page was never printed.
I have a DCP-L2550DW that works well. In case it might help, here is my saved instruction for when I upgrade Fedora. This has been tested to work. Clearly you need to adjust it for your model...
I might try that, but it will be a while. Note that mine is connected through USB, not IP.
On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 9:57 PM Michael Hennebry hennebry@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu wrote:
I have a Brother HL-L2360DL that I'd thought I'd finally managed to install. I had to go to the Brother website to get a script to run. The instructions for the script had the wrong name for it. None of the default options for Brother printers came close. The CUPS adminstration "web" pages say the right things: Idle, accepting jobs, two completed jobs.
Nothing actually prints. Not even a test page. The printer never comes out of deep sleep. How do I fix this? It worked with Centos 7, but I do not know what I did.
I have a HL-L8350CDW and the only way I could get it to print was to completely disable SELinux, a bit heavy handed but that was the only thing that I found that allowed me to print.
On 12/28/20 11:41 AM, Adam Mercer wrote:
I have a HL-L8350CDW and the only way I could get it to print was to completely disable SELinux, a bit heavy handed but that was the only thing that I found that allowed me to print.
It's a bit off-topic, but did you get SELinix alerts, or what? And, did you report it as a bug?
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 11:57 AM Joe Zeff joe@zeff.us wrote:
It's a bit off-topic, but did you get SELinix alerts, or what? And, did you report it as a bug?
I don't recall if I received any alerts or not, it was a while ago. I didn't file a bug report though. I will be reinstalling a system fairly soon and am planning on trying again so I will this time if I'm unable to get things working without disabling SELinux.
On 12/28/20 12:57 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
Nothing actually prints. Not even a test page. The printer never comes out of deep sleep.
I've just bumped into this issue. I have a Brother HL-2300D (connected via USB as well) that I installed about 2 years ago (when I had Fedora 30). I performed the installation using the script from the Brother website and everything worked fine.
This morning I installed Fedora 33 (new fresh installation) and *now* the same installation procedure I did two years ago no longer works. I also tried installing the provided RPMs (that pull a bunch of dependencies and 32-bit crap) but nothing worked. Same symptoms as you mentioned. Something changed recently and Brother hasn't updated their binaries/scripts (last update time seems 2015!).
Thankfully I found the solution here:
That worked like a charm! After your perform "make install" it will copy just two files to:
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertobrlaser /usr/share/cups/drv/brlaser.drv
Once you do this, *then* you can connect your printer and Fedora will set it up automatically. This is much better than installing all those dependencies the Brother package wants.
HTH, Jorge
On Tue, 29 Dec 2020, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
Thankfully I found the solution here:
That worked like a charm! After your perform "make install" it will copy just two files to:
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertobrlaser /usr/share/cups/drv/brlaser.drv
Once you do this, *then* you can connect your printer and Fedora will set it up automatically. This is much better than installing all those dependencies the Brother package wants.
Thanks much.
I've cloned the repository, but I'm unclear on a couple things: From README.md:
To compile brlaser you'll need CMake and the CUPS development packages (libcups2-dev, libcupsimage2-dev or similar).
I've tried yum provides '*libcups*dev*' , but no matches found.
Get the code by cloning the git repo <!-- or downloading the [latest release] -->. Compile and install with these commands:
cmake .
From what directory? I might be able to get that from trial and error, otherwise known as the poke it and see what it does technique. I hate trial and error, especially when something should be documented.
make sudo make install0
On 12/30/20 1:35 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I've cloned the repository, but I'm unclear on a couple things
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
Then I plugged the USB cable and printer was configured automatically (and working perfectly).
Hope that helps.
On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On 12/30/20 1:35 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I've cloned the repository, but I'm unclear on a couple things
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel ## what I need git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser ## what I need cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
## added
Thanks again.
On 12/30/20 11:15 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
## added
Thanks again.
You're welcome. Did the printer finally work? I'd like to know if I wasn't just lucky!
For years I used to have Postscript printers, connected thru the network via IPP. All I needed was a simple PPD file and that was it. I wasn't so pleased with the idea of purchasing this Brother printer, where rasterization is performed on your PC, and you have to install special drivers & filters from the manufacturer. However, the Linux support was there and many Linux users confirmed it. I also couldn't resist the cheap price for this laser "winprinter" :)
All was good until I bumped into this issue with Fedora 33. That's when I remembered how easy & straightforward my previous printers were.
On Wed, Dec 30, 2020, at 6:10 AM, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On 12/30/20 1:35 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I've cloned the repository, but I'm unclear on a couple things
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
Then I plugged the USB cable and printer was configured automatically (and working perfectly).
Hope that helps.
It has helped me. I had replied to this thread to note what worked for my DCP-L2550DW. Today I decided to test that for my VirtualBox F33 install. Well well, just as stated it acts like it prints and nothing happens. Selinux and Firewall did not report an issue.
So I removed the Brother rpms with `dnf erase` and then used the above.
The difference was that I did not plug in the USB, I finished up (on my Xfce4 vbox) with: Menu / Administration / Printer Settings Unlock Add Network Printer / Saw the Brother there Used recommended from there on
This did work, the F33 VirtualBox host is printing just fine now.
Thanks much for letting me know that my printer was likely to have trouble after the F33 upgrade and for how to fix it.
On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
Then I plugged the USB cable and printer was configured automatically (and working perfectly).
Worked for me, although it defaulted to single-sided. I added "another" printer with the name and configuration I wanted. That also worked.
Note that, as expected, "make install" requires root privileges. When installing from source, I prefer to manipulate ownership. That way possibly buggy/hostile code does not have free reign.
On Fri, 1 Jan 2021, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
Then I plugged the USB cable and printer was configured automatically (and working perfectly).
Worked for me, although it defaulted to single-sided.
BTW I did not have this problem with Centos 7. Anyone happen to know what C7 does different?
On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On a F33 fresh install I only had to to this as root:
dnf update (important; needed so that last step works properly) dnf install gcc-c++ cmake cups-devel git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/brlaser cd brlaser cmake . make make install dnf history undo last (as I no longer need the stuff needed to build; SSDs are expensive!)
Then I plugged the USB cable and printer was configured automatically (and working perfectly).
It works on F35 also. Thanks again.
BTW unplugging the USB cable was not necessary.
On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 10:35 PM Michael Hennebry hennebry@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu wrote:
I've cloned the repository, but I'm unclear on a couple things: From README.md:
To compile brlaser you'll need CMake and the CUPS development packages (libcups2-dev, libcupsimage2-dev or similar).
I've tried yum provides '*libcups*dev*' , but no matches found.
Those are Debian package names. For Fedora, try cups-devel.