other than slow down a machine?
Of late, the midori browser has been crashing on F23 with unfailing regularity. The frequency is very high, as in a minute (here I was, looking at a ebay listing:
$ midori& [1] 10128 $ (midori4:10128): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'bookmark-new' for stock: Icon 'bookmark-new' not present in theme
(midori4:10128): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'user-trash' for stock: Icon 'user-trash' not present in theme Vector smash protection is enabled. openjdk version "1.8.0_77" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_77-b03) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.77-b03, mixed mode)
[1]+ Segmentation fault (core dumped) midori $
Ok, so it crashed, dumping core, but there is also a very greedy process that is started.
$top 10676 root 20 0 130192 97888 2420 R 93.8 1.3 0:05.29 systemd-core
This process, not always, but often hangs around for ever, slowing everything down, especially if there are multiple instances of midori being opened and crashed, one after the other (and multiple systemd-cores running as a result, one after the other).
So, what does this systemd-core do and how do I disable it, if it does not do much that is crucial?
Btw, here is the webpage on ebay, I was trying to look at for the above example:
It only crashes if you play around that webpage for a while. It also crashes at a lot of other webpages.
Many thanks and best wishes, Ranjan