Before, this application was working fine ! I am in Fedora 10 last
update (before means ~ 2 weeks !!)
Now, the file name is not anymore transfered and it never live the
widget !
I am also experiencing problem with JFileDialog
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Tk ;
use strict ;
my $types = [
['Text Files', ['.txt', '.text']],
['TCL Scripts', '.tcl' ],
['C Source Files', '.c', 'TEXT'],
['GIF Files', '.gif', ],
['GIF Files', '', 'GIFF'],
['All Files', '*', ],
my $main = MainWindow -> new () ;
my $filename = $main -> getOpenFile (-filetypes => $types) ;
if ($filename ne "") {
# Open the file ...
print $filename ;
Patrick DUPRÉ | |
Department of Chemistry | | Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
The University of York | | Fax: (44)-(0)-1904-432516
Heslington | |
York YO10 5DD United Kingdom | | email: pd520(a)york.ac.uk