mohanboddu added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` From our grooming discussion on #fedora-releng channel on Apr 12 2019
``` [16:12:59] <+nirik> .releng 7194 [16:13:00] <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7194: ODCS: Create secret private volume to share secrets between Koji runroot tasks. - releng - - [16:13:19] <+nirik> no idea where this one is. we aren't using odcs for composes, so perhaps it's still wanted? [16:13:32] <mizdebsk> odcs doesn't use runroot and it doesn't need this volume any longer [16:13:46] <+nirik> great. I was thinking that was the case. [16:13:57] <+nirik> proposal: closed -> whatever [16:14:16] <+nirik> invalid, or it's all good... ``` ``
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