Seeing current modules/* 's files.
Some of the modules have testing files in the directory. Are the testing files still actually used for the modules? I assume that only modules/foo/foo.yaml file is required. Other files like "sources" are meaningless, right? I think "sources" file is wrongly there.
I just checked my local downloaded modules/* directories.
$ ls */Dockerfile memcached/Dockerfile mongodb/Dockerfile php/Dockerfile ruby/Dockerfile $ ls */Makefile flatpak-runtime/Makefile memcached/Makefile mongodb/Makefile php/Makefile platform/Makefile ruby/Makefile $ ls -d */tests memcached/tests/ mongodb/tests/ php/tests/ ruby/tests/ $ ls -d */sources eog/sources mariadb/sources mongodb/sources perl/sources platform/sources python2/sources ruby/sources flatpak-runtime/sources memcached/sources nodejs/sources php/sources postgresql/sources python3/sources varnish/sources
I like to see the file structure and testing module is documented or linked in below page