I'm attempting to setup a mock chroot to build both armv5 & armv7 rpm's based on the current fedora-arm fc-10 work.. (to get fc11 built)
In the process of rebuilding all the dependices for mock, it seems gcc is failing on my arm hardware (beagleboard, cortex-a8). I'm using (1) gcc-4.3.2.-7.fa4.src.rpm, rpmbuild didn't complain about any missing dependices.
Used: "rpmbuild -ba --clean --target armv5tel gcc43.spec" in as minimal root filesystem as possible..
RPM build errors: File not found: /home/voodoo/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/gcc-4.3.2-7.fa4.arm/usr/lib/gcc/armv5tel-redhat-linux-gnueabi/4.3.2/include-fixed/libdevmapper.h File not found: /home/voodoo/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/gcc-4.3.2-7.fa4.arm/usr/lib/gcc/armv5tel-redhat-linux-gnueabi/4.3.2/include-fixed/X11/Xw32defs.h File not found: /home/voodoo/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/gcc-4.3.2-7.fa4.arm/usr/lib/gcc/armv5tel-redhat-linux-gnueabi/4.3.2/include-fixed/openssl/bn.h
Full log is available here: http://rcn-ee.homeip.net:81/dl/fedora/build-issues/gcc.log
1: http://ftp.linux.org.uk/pub/linux/arm/fedora/pub/fedora/linux/releases/10/Ev...
Since it takes a little bit to rebuild this, i'm going to try add those missing header files and rebuild.