Hi, Jeff. Thanks for the array handling upgrade, and incorporating the example of an ArrayOfInteger into the mssoapinterop example in public.py. Works great.
So I'm trying to extend it to handle my particular case, and not having any success. In this case, I have an ArrayOfOrderData embedded in a structure, where OrderData is a 3-element structure of string, string, base64binary (I'm not using this last one). For details, the WSDL is at http://www.customcd.us:8009/test/TestOrderReceiver.wsdl
I'm not able to set up an ArrayOfOrderData in the OrderInfo parent structure, and put two OrderData elements in it. I've tried creating an ArrayOfOrderData with an items[] attribute; creating an Array and setting the _arrayType to OrderData[], and using an items[] attribute.
Sorry to be so dense, but what am I missing?