====================================== #fedora-meeting-1: RELENG (2014-09-22) ======================================
Meeting started by dgilmore at 15:37:07 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2014-09-22/releng.2014-09-... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * init process (dgilmore, 15:37:13)
* #5931 [Proposal] Move new branch and unretire requests to pkgdb2 (dgilmore, 15:39:54) * nothing new (tyll, 15:41:53) * ACTION: pingou seend an email about open questions (dgilmore, 15:42:27) * ACTION: pingou seend an email about open questions (tyll, 15:42:27)
* #5967 Enable source repo generation (dgilmore, 15:42:45) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5967 (dgilmore, 15:42:49) * ACTION: dgilmore to actually ask questions (dgilmore, 15:43:09)
* #4071 Block pushes to origin/ in gitolite ACLs (dgilmore, 15:43:21) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4071 (dgilmore, 15:43:27) * < bochecha_> I've attached a patch that adds the hook to ansible (tyll, 15:44:09) * ACTION: bochecha_ write a script to add hook to all existing repos (tyll, 15:45:33) * there is already a script to check repos weekly (tyll, 15:48:03) * /usr/local/bin/git-check-perms (tyll, 15:49:16) * regex in hook needs to be adjusted to not block valid branch names (tyll, 15:55:00) * ACTION: bochecha to update the regex and provide script to do one off migration (dgilmore, 15:57:00)
* #5329 RFE: Send branched report only when there is any change committed (dgilmore, 15:57:08) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5329 (dgilmore, 15:57:15) * buildbranched needs to be adjusted for this (tyll, 15:57:35) * sending the branched reports reminds people of fixing broken deps (tyll, 15:59:05) * to implement, check the repodiff output (tyll, 16:01:48) * highlighting that no changes happened or that there might be a freeze can be an alternative (tyll, 16:04:53)
* #5959 Enable keep-alive connections for koji (primary and secondaries) (dgilmore, 16:05:35) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5959 (dgilmore, 16:05:41) * < dgilmore> lets look at enabling everywhere after infra freeze is over tomorrow (tyll, 16:08:46) * no problems noticed so far (tyll, 16:08:53) * no performance tests made (tyll, 16:09:05)
* #5963 Orphaned vulnerable packages in EPEL (dgilmore, 16:10:23) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5963 (dgilmore, 16:10:31) * ACTION: someone needs to write a script to pull info from bugzilla, look at package deps and do mass reporting (dgilmore, 16:14:18) * for dependency checks we can use the find_unblocked_retired.py script (tyll, 16:16:03) * there might be internal red hat scripts that might be used (tyll, 16:16:27) * ACTION: Sparks_too check which internal red hat scripts can be used (tyll, 16:16:52) * wait for dependency checks before moving on with the ticket (tyll, 16:19:20)
* #6000 automate creation of excludelist for koji-shadow (dgilmore, 16:21:52) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6000 (dgilmore, 16:21:57) * task one: get list of packages to exlucde in koji-shadow during nightly composes (tyll, 16:29:53) * task two: check whether maintainers follow policy for excluded archs (tyll, 16:30:02) * get notified by changes for packages by analysing SRPMs or analyse commit with fedmsg (less precise) (tyll, 16:30:46) * ACTION: dgilmore to add to buildbranched and buildrawhide making the lists for koji-shadow (dgilmore, 16:30:53)
* #5886 need method for distributing urgent fixes... urgently (dgilmore, 16:31:29) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5886 (dgilmore, 16:31:35) * < dgilmore> I guess we need to decide what exactly is wanted (tyll, 16:48:35) * < dgilmore> from my point of view something light weight and well understood would work best. to only be used in an emergency (tyll, 16:48:43) * < dgilmore> I am kinda thinking that we put it under /pub/fedora/linux/updates/emergency/ (tyll, 16:49:24)
* Secondary Architectures updates (dgilmore, 16:52:18)
* Secondary Architectures update - ppc (dgilmore, 16:52:19)
* Secondary Architectures update - s390 (dgilmore, 16:56:02)
* Secondary Architectures update - ppc (dgilmore, 17:00:51)
* Secondary Architectures update - arm (dgilmore, 17:08:04)
* Open Floor (dgilmore, 17:17:19)
Meeting ended at 17:22:10 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * pingou seend an email about open questions * pingou seend an email about open questions * dgilmore to actually ask questions * bochecha_ write a script to add hook to all existing repos * bochecha to update the regex and provide script to do one off migration * someone needs to write a script to pull info from bugzilla, look at package deps and do mass reporting * Sparks_too check which internal red hat scripts can be used * dgilmore to add to buildbranched and buildrawhide making the lists for koji-shadow
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * bochecha * bochecha_ write a script to add hook to all existing repos * bochecha to update the regex and provide script to do one off migration * bochecha_ * bochecha_ write a script to add hook to all existing repos * dgilmore * dgilmore to actually ask questions * dgilmore to add to buildbranched and buildrawhide making the lists for koji-shadow * pingou * pingou seend an email about open questions * pingou seend an email about open questions * Sparks_too * Sparks_too check which internal red hat scripts can be used * **UNASSIGNED** * someone needs to write a script to pull info from bugzilla, look at package deps and do mass reporting
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * dgilmore (200) * tyll (57) * bochecha_ (26) * sharkcz (23) * nirik (21) * pbrobinson (21) * zodbot (10) * Sparks_too (7) * pingou (5) * masta (0) * bochecha (0)
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