lsedlar opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following: `` Make Server armhfp unique in metadata ``
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lsedlar commented on the pull-request: `Make Server armhfp unique in metadata` that you are following: `` @mohanboddu pointed out that this happens with multiple more images. I updated the patch to change the three appliances subvariant instead (by appending `_Appliance`, which is still a horrible name). ``
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pbrobinson commented on the pull-request: `Make Server armhfp unique in metadata` that you are following: `` FYI I'm working on a proposal to move all the armhfp images over to imagefactory/UEFI for F-34 if that helps at all. Just need to a bunch of verification and I'm looking at some enhancements for those artefacts (both armhfp/aarch64). ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Make Server armhfp unique in metadata` that you are following: `` Pinging @adamwill if this change needs any fixes on QA side. ``
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adamwill commented on the pull-request: `Make Server armhfp unique in metadata` that you are following: `` errrr ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Make Server armhfp unique in metadata` that you are following: `` This should be `Server_Appliance` ``
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mohanboddu merged a pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following.
Merged pull-request:
`` Make Server armhfp unique in metadata ``