#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: new | Priority: normal Component: General | Keywords: ---------------------+------------------- Fedora Program Manager (FPgM) coordinates the planning and scheduling of Fedora releases, and tracks changes and features during the development and testing cycle. He or she also assists with the creation, maintenance, and execution of formal, repeatable Fedora processes. Additionally, the FPgM serves as record keeper and secretary for Fedora Council Meetings.
I'm no longer going to work in this position, Fedora 22 was released yesterday and Jan Kurik is taking care of Fedora 23+ as the new FPgM. As per policy [1], Council approval is required.
I recommend Jan as he's already filling the FPgM role for Fedora 23 - from scheduling, changes submission processing to improvements in releng processes. I'm very happy he was selected and funded by Red Hat and as I know him, he's truly dedicated hacker that will perfectly fit into the Fedora Project and Council. Of course he is/will get as much as possible help from me, to make sure it's smooth change.
We're already under transition, please take this ticket as my official resignation from the Council. I'm very proud and happy that FPgM is now officially recognized as part of Fedora leadership team. And maybe one day I'll be back in one of Fedora elected roles, who knows :).
Thanks! Jaroslav
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council#Auxiliary_Seats
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+--------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: new | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: Keywords: | ---------------------+---------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
I met Jan in Brno at DevConf.cz this year, and also note that he has already rolled up the proverbial sleeves and gotten to work (see https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1430). I'm happy to +1 this approval.
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+--------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: new | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: Keywords: | ---------------------+---------------------
Comment (by langdon):
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+--------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: new | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: Keywords: | ---------------------+---------------------
Comment (by jwboyer):
I am +1 for Jan taking the seat.
I am -1 for Jaroslav leaving though. You can't leave. You have to stay. Sorry, but that is the way it is. :)
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+--------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: new | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: Keywords: | ---------------------+---------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+----------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: closed | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: approved Keywords: | ---------------------+----------------------- Changes (by mattdm):
* resolution: => approved * status: new => closed
This is approved. Welcome Jan!
#30: Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member ---------------------+----------------------- Reporter: jreznik | Owner: Status: closed | Priority: normal Component: General | Resolution: approved Keywords: | ---------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
todo item: update wiki. (including creating a history page on which to enshrine jresnik)