On 2016-03-31 12:05, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
Body: The Fedora Cloud Working Group has decided to retire the 32-bit Cloud images. As of the __ release, we will no longer produce the 32-bit images. We will, of course, continue to make 64-bit cloud images available.
Why are we doing this? We've been producing 32-bit images for years, and it's a solved problem, right? Surely it's as easy as "just keep doing it," right?
Not so much. There are several reasons we're retiring them. First and foremost, our data suggests that 32-bit images are not that popular. That doesn't mean *no one* uses 32-bit images, but the user community for 32-bit only seems to be passingly small.
I think that announcement sounds great. I am also quite interested in seeing those data -- I didn't think most public clouds published statistics.