On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Kevin Fenzikevin@scrye.com wrote:
Feedback welcome.
For brevity I'm just putting +1 where I agree with your original post.
Proposed: +1 +1 +1
Advertising: 1. +1 2. +1 3. +1 4. Personally I would also find a "timely reminder" of the classes useful. Perhaps an email reminder to *this* list <24 hours prior to the class. Recent example of a Fedora list being used to give 12 hours notice of an IRC activity is here: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2009-June/msg00127.html
Logs/Archiving: 1. +1 2. ?
- Should we do any kind of Vetting on classes/teachers?
3. Definitely, because it is under the "Fedora" name. I'd just ask the teacher this: a) What can you point to that shows you have demonstrated knowledge/ability in this topic? b) What teaching experience do you have? c) What material have you prepared to assist your delivery of this class? And if any of these responses are unconvincing, I suggest having another more experienced presenter lurking during the class, to assist if necessary. I imagine its quite a demanding 90mins to deliver one of these classes, so assistance would ease that pressure, especially for a first-time presenter.
Thanks again for the opportunity to offer feedback. _All_ your efforts are appreciated here.