Hey all,
We had another *awesome* session today over at #fedora-classroom. The topic
of discussion today was Vim 101 by our classroom sensei, Eduard Lucena
(x3mboy). The session was about 2 hours long and covered almost all the
basics needed to get started with Vim. There were 20 active members in the
meeting :)
You can find the meeting logs here :
Sachin S. Kamath
Hello team,
This Friday will be the re-launch of the Fedora Classroom. That's why I
wrote a Draft [1] (sorry for jumping the Pitch process) that needs review
and edition.
Sorry if I jump steps in the process, I hope we can announce this in the
Magazine without problems. Right now we are facing 2 issues that should be
ready before friday session:
1. Definition of the BlueJeans ID for the first session.
2. Where updates about upcoming sessions will be published (we don't want a
weekly post in the magazine about the seessions).
But at least you can read the current announcement.
[1] https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=18252&preview=true&preview_id=18252
Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56975687314
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Ambassador Latam
I just finished teaching the "Command Line 101" session. It was planned
to be an hour long, but it went on to two hours. I hadn't realised that
hands on sessions take more time! Anyway, quite a few folks stuck
around, and we had quite a great session. I reckon I'll take a 102
class in a few weeks to pick up from where we left off today.
Here are the logs:
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-classroom/2017-08-10/"fedora_classroom_-_command_line_101".2017-08-10-13.00.html
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-classroom/2017-08-10/"fedora_classroom_-_command_line_101".2017-08-10-13.00.txt
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-classroom/2017-08-10/"fedora_classroom_-_command_line_101".2017-08-10-13.00.log.html
We went through basic commands on bash. No editors were used at all,
and all the help we needed was looked up in the man pages. At the end,
we tried to get some info from "The tragedy of Julius Caesar" using
grep/sort/uniq/wc and so on.
Please give us feedback so that we can improve upcoming sessions -
either here, or on the magazine post, or you can also find me on the
IRC or over e-mail, of course.
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
Hey everyone,
We had another awesome Classroom meeting today. It was titled 'Fedora
Classroom 101' and the instructor for the day was Eduard Lucena (x3mboy)
In this session, we discussed Fedora magazine in detail, from pitching to
getting it published. Eduard also talked about Fedora onboarding in detail
(creating FAS account, CLA +1, wiki pages, WCIDFF, etc.) I'm pretty sure
that this session would have helped (and will help) and a lot of people
find their way around in the community. The recordings of this session are
on Youtube[1]. (We had technical issues with Jitsi, so the recordings are
The next classroom session is scheduled to happen on August 10, 13 UTC :)
More info on the wiki page [2].
[1] https://www.youtube.com/user/X3MLinux/videos
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom
Sachin S. Kamath
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora Magazine 101 on 2017-08-04 from 15:00:00 to 16:30:00 UTC
At fedora-classroom(a)chat.freenode.net
The meeting will be about:
This session is a short guide on how to start working with the Fedora community by writing articles for the Fedora Magazine. When you finish this session, you’ll know the main SIGs and WGs and be able to find your way around the community.
Instructor: Eduard Lucena (x3mboy)
Meeting link: https://meet.jit.si/Fedora-Classroom
Source: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/6385/