FYI, i've started a similar quest, and i'd like to share with you:
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 01:58:18 -0500 From: David Ramsey
Hello Everyone,
Greetings. :)
We are looking for your ideas and suggestions for Fedora Classroom Topics. :) ====================================== For example, I am interested in Virtualization, SELinux and System Administration.
I think everyone of this is rather difficult to fit into the one-and-a-half hour timeframe for Fedora Classroom's sessions.
Maybe a model we could try is what Gleducar southamerican association is running in its "Campus":
They run several "Self-taught groups" separated in several groups in its moodle. There is one for moodle itself, plus others like Joomla!, mediawiki, wordpress, HTML5/CSS3, and so on.
Another one is Squeak/Etoys, and its application to teaching at K12 schools, in the moot of another similar efforts of teaching kids with Logo, Scratch and other programming-driven methodologies. I think Alberto Bonacina could be interested in not what free apps we have for teaching, but how we actually deploy courses for engaged learning.
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:45:39 +0100 From: Alberto Bonacina
2011/1/15 David Ramsey > * What Fedora Classroom Topics, are you interested in?
I'm interested in FreeSoftware for Learning, I made also a university degree thesis about this topic.
Greetings, Alberto Bonacina
I've talked with Karsten Wade a couple of months ago, and shared with him and in Category:Fedora School in our wiki, an initiative to run a moodle hosting courses for Fedora users and contributors. At Fedora Latam we are beginning to run but the real question is:
We need "teachers" for user-driven courses helping each other to hack with real problems using the software provided by Fedora Project. This could amplify the effort today invested in mailing lists and wiki, engaging people sharing the effort to use (and contribute to) our documentation, and apply it to their daily tasks.
What do you think? Would you like "Groups of self-teaching" about SELinux, publican, Virtualization, Design and Accessibility, SCM with tools like git, Sysadmin tools and SOPs?
Are you interested in become a teacher with moodle for Fedora Project?
Best regards. -- Salud, tierra y libertad Jesús Franco