Hi. I have released new version of mock and mock-core-configs. It just landed into Bodhi. Release notes are here: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/wiki/Release-Notes-1.4.20
I am not going to copy it here this time. But please read it. The release is BIG. And mainly it solve the issues with zstd.
Instead, I want to state several thing regarding development:
* This is last 1.4.x release with features. * I set up "mock-1.4" branch. If I ever do some 1.4.x release, it will be pure bugfix. * next release (1.5.0) will likely take same time (hmm after New Year?) and may be released to rawhide only * I plan to start removing python2 code. Pull requests are welcome. * In 1.5 version I plan to enable bootstrap feature by default. Last blocker was "file:///my/local/path" url in baseurl which was fixed in this 1.4.20 release.