$ plague-client list
Error: an error ocurred communicating with the server.
'<Fault 1: 'pg.DatabaseError:error \'ERROR: expression too complex\nDETAIL: Nesting depth exceeds maximum expression depth 10000.\nHINT: Increase the configuration parameter "max_expr_depth".\n\' in \'SELECT jobid, parent_uid, starttime, endtime, arch, builder_addr, status, builder_status FROM archjobs WHERE
---snip--- (400K of parent_uid=...)
$ plague-client list status needsign
(same here)
$ plague-client list result success
(same here)
$ plague-client list status failed
Error: connection to the server timed out. '(110, 'Operation timed out.')'
$ plague-client list status building
(same here)
$ plague-client list email myemailaddress