For bug 1014438 I am working on reorganising the system page to use
space more efficiently and to make things easier to find.
Attached are two screenshots of my ideas.
The top section ("system at a glance") gives an overview of what the
system is and its current state. The idea is to display the most
commonly needed information and the most commonly performed actions at
the top, in a compact layout. It occupies much less vertical space than
the system form which currently appears at the top of the system page.
The three columns in the "at a glance" section are: description, health,
and current usage. The health column has either a "Report problem"
button or a "Remove from service" button according to context. Similarly
the current usage column shows "Reserve", "Take", or "Request loan"
according to context.
The tabs in the sidebar are all the familiar tabs that exist right now
on the system page. There are also a few additions, to cover
functionality that is currently crammed awkwardly into the system form.
The rest remain largely unchanged so that this doesn't need to turn into
a massive rewrite.
Let me know what you think.
Dan Callaghan <dcallagh(a)>
Software Engineer, Hosted & Shared Services
Red Hat, Inc.