No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-34-20220205.0):
ID: 1119972 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1119985 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-35-20220205.0):
ID: 1119956 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1119969 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
The following Fedora 34 Security updates need testing:
58 podman-3.4.4-1.fc34
5 expat-2.4.4-1.fc34
4 php-laminas-form-2.17.1-1.fc34
4 phoronix-test-suite-10.8.1-1.fc34
4 lua-5.4.4-1.fc34
3 java-1.8.0-openjdk-
3 rlwrap-0.45.2-1.fc34
2 ipython-7.20.0-2.fc34
2 xstream-1.4.19-1.fc34
2 libdxfrw-1.0.1-3.fc34 librecad-2.2.0-0.13.rc3.fc34
2 mingw-gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6-4.fc34
2 xen-4.14.4-1.fc34
2 mingw-expat-2.4.4-1.fc34
1 rust-afterburn-5.2.0-4.fc34
1 php-twig2-2.14.11-1.fc34
1 php-twig3-3.3.8-1.fc34
1 dotnet-build-reference-packages-0-11.20220201git045b288.fc34 dotnet3.1-3.1.416-2.fc34
The following Fedora 34 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
304 ddpt-0.96-4.fc34 ledmon-0.95-4.fc34 libgpod-0.8.3-38.fc34 libzfcphbaapi-2.2.0-12.fc34 lsvpd-1.7.11-6.fc34 sg3_utils-1.46-1.fc34 udisks-1.0.5-18.fc34
65 annobin-9.79-3.fc34
26 gdb-11.1-7.fc34
13 zstd-1.5.2-1.fc34
9 bolt-0.9.2-1.fc34
9 wpa_supplicant-2.10-2.fc34
7 gcc-11.2.1-9.fc34
7 xorg-x11-server-1.20.14-3.fc34
5 expat-2.4.4-1.fc34
4 libxcrypt-4.4.28-1.fc34
4 lua-5.4.4-1.fc34
2 xen-4.14.4-1.fc34
2 hwdata-0.356-1.fc34
1 pungi-4.3.3-3.fc34
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 34 updates-testing
Details about builds:
bdii-5.2.26-8.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-78cc6510b9)
The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII)
Update Information:
Backport some fixes from upstream.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert(a)> - 5.2.26-8
- Update python3 patch with changes from upstream
- Update default paths (/var/run ��� /run, /var/lock ��� /run/lock)
- Update URL and Source tags
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 5.2.26-7
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 5.2.26-6
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Mar 2 2021 Zbigniew J��drzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek(a)> - 5.2.26-5
- Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros
ccdciel-0.9.77-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-3bbc464bc1)
CCD capture software
Update Information:
Update to 0.9.77
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattia Verga <mattia.verga(a)> - 0.9.77-1
- Update to 0.9.77 (fedora#2003353)
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-moby-buildkit-0.9.0-3.fc34~bootstrap (FEDORA-2022-7c6f785d98)
Concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
Update Information:
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.9.0-3
- Bootstrap
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.9.0-2
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-moby-sys-0.3.0-1.20220129git03b9f8d.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-f5203d0b5f)
Moby sys package for Go
Update Information:
Bump to commit 03b9f8d59a07f5206a2264105f4903a222aea964
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.3.0-1
- Bump to commit 03b9f8d59a07f5206a2264105f4903a222aea964
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.2.0-6
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.2.0-5
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec-1.0.2-4.20220204git8b9d41f.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-2119bfd4d2)
OCI Image Format Specification
Update Information:
Bump to commit 8b9d41f48198a7d6d0a5c1a12dc2d1f7f47fc97f
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.0.2-4
- Bump to commit 8b9d41f48198a7d6d0a5c1a12dc2d1f7f47fc97f
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.2-2
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-tonistiigi-opentelemetry-contrib-0.21.0-4.20220130gitcfed0ec.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-79c6d6353d)
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go
Update Information:
Bump to commit cfed0ec004c51e9ce46e9409003cd9e5f76f1b09
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.21.0-4
- Bump to commit cfed0ec004c51e9ce46e9409003cd9e5f76f1b09
golang-opentelemetry-contrib-1.3.0-2.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-5222b6dc5e)
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go
Update Information:
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.3.0-2
- Uncommitted changes
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.3.0-1
- Initial release
golang-opentelemetry-otel-1.2.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-efa806ffd5)
OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK
Update Information:
Update to 1.2.0
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.2.0-1
- Update to 1.2.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.0.0~RC2-3
- Rebuilt for
gsequencer-3.16.14-0.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-9c95f73d2e)
Audio processing engine
Update Information:
Rebuilt for
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 3.16.6-1
- Rebuilt for
pioneer-20220203-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-abeb5bddcc)
A game of lonely space adventure
Update Information:
- Release 20220203
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)> - 20220203-1
- Release 20220203
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 20210723-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050621 - pioneer-20220203 is available
puddletag-2.1.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-89d2c4af98)
Feature rich, easy to use tag editor
Update Information:
Update to latest upstream release puddletag 2.1.1.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Terje Rosten <terje.rosten(a)> - 2.1.1-1
- 2.1.1
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Terje Rosten <terje.rosten(a)> - 2.1.0-1
- 2.1.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.1-5
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.1-4
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 2.0.1-3
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
python-pykwalify-1.8.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-31de16df83)
Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation
Update Information:
General changes: - Dropped support for python 3.5 and below, including 2.7 -
ruamel.yaml is now the default and preffered yaml parser - Dropped support for
pyyaml parser - Update minimum version of ruamel.yaml to 0.16.0 - Update
minimum version of python-dateutil to 2.8.0 CLI changes: - Added new cli
argument "--encoding ENCODING" that specifies what encoding to open data and
schema files with Changed behaviour: - Enum error strings now output all
possible values for easier debugging - Removed deprecated imp module. Dynamic
imports imght be affected New features: - Implement new type email that uses
a relative simple regex to validate email addresses according to RFC 5322
Official Standard - Implement new type `url` that uses a relative simple regex
to validate url:s according to RFC 1808 - Add new argument "schema_file_obj"
to Core class. Allows to pass in StringIO or similar interfaced objects to use
for validation. - Add new argument "data_file_obj" to Core class. Allows to
pass in StringIO or similar interfaced objects to use for validation.
Bug/issues fixed: - Fixed a regression from 1.6.1 where ruamel.yaml safe_load
would break for all built-in custom python tags. All normal python tags
should now be possible to use again. - Fixed an issue with regex values that
was not converted to str() before regex mapping was attempted. This should
validate things like integers and objects that support str() conversion better.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Felix Kaechele <felix(a)> - 1.8.0-1
- update to 1.8.0
- update to current python spec template
- drop python2 packaging, this version no longer supports it
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.7.0-13
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.7.0-12
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.7.0-11
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
rpi-imager-1.7.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-bffb9907ff)
Graphical user-interface to write disk images and format SD cards
Update Information:
New upstream release ---- New upstream release
* Sat Feb 5 2022 K. de Jong <keesdejong(a)> - 1.7.1-1
- New upstream release
* Thu Feb 3 2022 K. de Jong <keesdejong(a)> - 1.7-1
- New upstream release
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.6.2-4
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> - 1.6.2-3
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.6.2-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050352 - New upstream version released (1.7)
[ 2 ] Bug #2050839 - rpi-imager-1.7.1 is available
rust-addr2line-0.17.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Cross-platform symbolication library based on gimli
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.17.0-1
- Update to version 0.17.0; Fixes RHBZ#2016810
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.16.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-ambient-authority-0.0.1-2.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Ambient Authority
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 15 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.0.1-1
- Update to upstream 0.0.1 (rhbz#1982000)
rust-arf-strings-0.6.3-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Encoding and decoding for ARF strings
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.6.3-1
- Initial import (#2050451)
rust-backtrace-0.3.64-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Library to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a Rust program
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.64-1
- Update to version 0.3.64; Fixes RHBZ#2016017
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.3.61-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cap-primitives-0.22.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Capability-based primitives
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.21.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.21.1-1
- Update to upstream 0.21.1 (fixes rhbz#1976474)
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.13.10-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cap-rand-0.22.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Capability-based random number generators
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.19.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Sep 23 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.19.1-1
- Update to upstream 0.19.1 (rhbz#1976471)
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.13.10-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cap-std-0.22.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Capability-based version of the Rust standard library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.21.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.21.1-1
- Bump to upstream 0.21.1 (fixes rhbz#1983296)
- Add fs_utf8 feature
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.13.10-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cap-tempfile-0.22.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Capability-based temporary directories
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Initial import (#1971774)
rust-cap-time-ext-0.22.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Extension traits for SystemClock and MonotonicClock
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Initial import (#1971773)
rust-cranelift-bforest-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Forest of B+-trees
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050433
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Low-level code generator library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050435
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-meta-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Metaprogram for cranelift-codegen code generator library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050432
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-shared-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
For code shared between cranelift-codegen-meta and cranelift-codegen
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050431
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-entity-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Data structures using entity references as mapping keys
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050425
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-frontend-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Cranelift IR builder helper
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027097
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-native-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Support for targeting the host with Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050436
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-wasm-0.80.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Translator from WebAssembly to Cranelift IR
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027098
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-fs-err-2.6.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Drop-in replacement for std::fs with more helpful error messages
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.6.0-1
- Initial import (#2050395)
rust-fs-set-times-0.14.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Set filesystem timestamps
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.14.1-1
- Update to version 0.14.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.14.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.14.0-1
- Update to upstream 0.14.0 (fixes rhbz#1976478)
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.3.1-2
- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
rust-gimli-0.26.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Library for reading and writing the DWARF debugging format
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.26.1-1
- Update to version 0.26.1; Fixes RHBZ#2016809
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.25.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-glyph_brush_layout-0.2.3-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-8cdfa851ca)
Text layout for ab_glyph
Update Information:
Initial import; Fixes RHBZ#2048007
* Sat Feb 5 2022 R��mi Lauzier <remilauzier(a)> 0.2.3-1
- Initial import; Fixes RHBZ#2048007
[ 1 ] Bug #2048007 - Review Request: rust-glyph_brush_layout - Text layout for ab_glyph
rust-io-lifetimes-0.4.4-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Low-level I/O ownership and borrowing library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.4.4-1
- Update to version 0.4.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.4.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-kstring-1.0.6-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-03c69595f6)
Key String: optimized for map keys
Update Information:
- Update the kstring crate to version 1.0.6. - Initial packaging of the smol_str
crate for Fedora.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> - 1.0.6-1
- Update to version 1.0.6
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.4-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-mio-0.8.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Lightweight non-blocking IO
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.8.0-1
- Update to version 0.8.0; Fixes RHBZ#2022964
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.7.14-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-mio0.7-0.7.14-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Lightweight non-blocking IO
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.7.14-1
- Initial import (mio 0.7 compat package)
rust-object-0.27.1-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Unified interface for reading and writing object file formats
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.27.1-1
- Update to version 0.27.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.26.2-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-os_pipe-1.0.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Cross-platform library for opening OS pipes
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.0-1
- Update to version 1.0.0; Fixes RHBZ#2023887
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.9.2-5
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.9.2-4
- Rebuilt for
rust-os_pipe0.9-0.9.2-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Cross-platform library for opening OS pipes
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.9.2-1
- Initial import (os_pipe 0.9 compat package)
rust-regalloc-0.0.33-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Modular register allocation algorithms
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.0.33-1
- Update to version 0.0.33
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.31-3
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.31-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-rustix-0.31.3-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Safe Rust bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock2-like syscalls
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.31.3-1
- Update to version 0.31.3
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.29.1-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-smol_str-0.1.21-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-03c69595f6)
Small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone
Update Information:
- Update the kstring crate to version 1.0.6. - Initial packaging of the smol_str
crate for Fedora.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.21-1
- Initial import (#2050967)
rust-tracing-0.1.30-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0185b2e2da)
Application-level tracing for Rust
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.30-1
- Update to version 0.1.30; Fixes RHBZ#2050454
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.29-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-tracing-attributes-0.1.19-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0185b2e2da)
Procedural macro attributes for automatically instrumenting functions
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.19-1
- Update to version 0.1.19; Fixes RHBZ#2050453
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.18-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-tracing-core-0.1.22-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0185b2e2da)
Core primitives for application-level tracing
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.22-1
- Update to version 0.1.22; Fixes RHBZ#2050455
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.21-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-cache-0.33.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Support for automatic module caching with Wasmtime
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-environ-0.33.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Standalone environment support for WebAsssembly code in Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027096
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-fiber-0.33.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
Fiber support for Wasmtime
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050776
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-types-0.33.0-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-0384520ea1)
WebAssembly type definitions for Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050426
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-3
- Rebuilt for
skychart-4.3-10.4466svn.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-25289d1b06)
Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomer
Update Information:
Update to latest svn Catgen is now available as a standalone subpackage.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattia Verga <mattia.verga(a)> - 4.3-10.4466svn
- Update svn version
- Provide catgen by separate standalone subpackage
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.3-9.4401svn
- Rebuilt for
trojan-1.16.0-15.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-eaf397f169)
An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you avoid censorship
Update Information:
remove `User=nobody`
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Qiyu Yan <yanqiyu(a)> 1.16.0-15
- remove User=nobody from systemd unit file
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.16.0-14
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> 1.16.0-13
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
* Sat Aug 7 2021 Jonathan Wakely <jwakely(a)> - 1.16.0-11
- Rebuilt for Boost 1.76
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.16.0-10
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Mar 2 2021 Zbigniew J��drzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek(a)> - 1.16.0-9
- Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros
uwsgi-2.0.20-1.fc34 (FEDORA-2022-3d631fa311)
Fast, self-healing, application container server
Update Information:
Update to 2.0.20
* Sun Jan 23 2022 Ralf Ertzinger <ralf(a)> - 2.0.20-1
- Update to 2.0.20
- Fix build against PHP8
- Remove support for EL6
- General logic cleanup and removal of dead code from the spec file
- Add --verbose to build step to show compiler settings
The following Fedora 35 Security updates need testing:
4 rust-afterburn-5.2.0-4.fc35
4 expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
4 perl-App-cpanminus-1.7045-1.fc35
3 php-laminas-form-2.17.1-1.fc35
3 phoronix-test-suite-10.8.1-1.fc35
3 lua-5.4.4-1.fc35
3 python-django-3.2.12-1.fc35
3 java-1.8.0-openjdk-
3 rlwrap-0.45.2-1.fc35
1 ipython-7.26.0-3.fc35
1 dotnet6.0-6.0.101-3.fc35
1 xstream-1.4.19-1.fc35
1 dotnet-build-reference-packages-0-11.20220201git045b288.fc35 dotnet3.1-3.1.416-2.fc35
1 libdxfrw-1.0.1-3.fc35 librecad-2.2.0-0.13.rc3.fc35
1 mingw-gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6-4.fc35
1 mingw-expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
0 php-twig2-2.14.11-1.fc35
0 php-twig3-3.3.8-1.fc35
0 kate-21.12.2-1.fc35
0 hostapd-2.10-3.fc35
0 nodejs-16.13.2-8.fc35
The following Fedora 35 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
70 qemu-6.1.0-13.fc35
9 bolt-0.9.2-1.fc35
4 expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
4 libwacom-1.12.1-2.fc35
3 lua-5.4.4-1.fc35
3 ytnef-2.0-1.fc35
3 python-blivet-3.4.3-1.fc35
1 xen-4.15.2-1.fc35
0 pungi-4.3.3-3.fc35
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 35 updates-testing
Details about builds:
R-units-0.8.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-4819c791d6)
Measurement Units for R Vectors
Update Information:
Update to 0.8-0
* Sat Feb 5 2022 I��aki ��car <iucar(a)> - 0.8.0-1
- Update to 0.8-0
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.7.2-3
- Rebuilt for
anagramarama-0.7-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-954e10e474)
Anagram puzzle game
Update Information:
Newest release
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Dennis Payne <dulsi(a)> - 0.7-1
- Newest release
bdii-5.2.26-8.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-bbf1939dbe)
The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII)
Update Information:
Backport some fixes from upstream.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert(a)> - 5.2.26-8
- Update python3 patch with changes from upstream
- Update default paths (/var/run ��� /run, /var/lock ��� /run/lock)
- Update URL and Source tags
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 5.2.26-7
- Rebuilt for
ccdciel-0.9.77-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-99a72a31a0)
CCD capture software
Update Information:
Update to 0.9.77
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattia Verga <mattia.verga(a)> - 0.9.77-1
- Update to 0.9.77 (fedora#2003353)
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt-1.1.3-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a4aff89e3c)
OCI Image Encryption Package
Update Information:
golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri: Preform initial import. Closes
rhbz#2047524. golang-github-containers-ocicrypt: Update to 1.1.2. Fixes
rhbz#1963603. golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt: Update to 1.1.3. Fixes
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Maxwell G <gotmax(a)> 1.1.3-2
- Workaround %generate_buildrequires debug_package issue
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Maxwell G <gotmax(a)> 1.1.3-1
- Update to 1.1.3. Fixes rhbz#2018630.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.1.1-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1963603 - golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-1.1.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2018630 - golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt-1.1.3 is available
[ 3 ] Bug #2047524 - Review Request: golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri - Golang pkcs11 URI library
golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-1.1.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a4aff89e3c)
Encryption libraries for Encrypted OCI Container images
Update Information:
golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri: Preform initial import. Closes
rhbz#2047524. golang-github-containers-ocicrypt: Update to 1.1.2. Fixes
rhbz#1963603. golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt: Update to 1.1.3. Fixes
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Maxwell G <gotmax(a)> 1.1.2-1
- Update to 1.1.2. Fixes rhbz#1963603.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.3-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1963603 - golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-1.1.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2018630 - golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt-1.1.3 is available
[ 3 ] Bug #2047524 - Review Request: golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri - Golang pkcs11 URI library
golang-github-minio-7.0.21-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-1f4a104260)
MinIO Client SDK for Go
Update Information:
Update to latest upstream release 7.0.21 (closes rhbz#2040246)
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Steve Miller (copart) <code(a)> - 7.0.21-1
- Update to latest upstream release 7.0.21 (closes rhbz#2040246)
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 7.0.20-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2040246 - golang-github-minio-7.0.21 is available
golang-github-moby-buildkit-0.9.0-3.fc35~bootstrap (FEDORA-2022-12704128e1)
Concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
Update Information:
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.9.0-3
- Bootstrap
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.9.0-2
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-moby-sys-0.3.0-1.20220129git03b9f8d.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b25c1b3fc1)
Moby sys package for Go
Update Information:
Bump to commit 03b9f8d59a07f5206a2264105f4903a222aea964
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.3.0-1
- Bump to commit 03b9f8d59a07f5206a2264105f4903a222aea964
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.2.0-6
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec-1.0.2-4.20220204git8b9d41f.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-6e6c0b8cd3)
OCI Image Format Specification
Update Information:
Bump to commit 8b9d41f48198a7d6d0a5c1a12dc2d1f7f47fc97f
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.0.2-4
- Bump to commit 8b9d41f48198a7d6d0a5c1a12dc2d1f7f47fc97f
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.2-2
- Rebuilt for
golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri-0-0.1.20220202git78d3cae.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a4aff89e3c)
Golang pkcs11 URI library
Update Information:
golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri: Preform initial import. Closes
rhbz#2047524. golang-github-containers-ocicrypt: Update to 1.1.2. Fixes
rhbz#1963603. golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt: Update to 1.1.3. Fixes
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Maxwell G <gotmax(a)> 0-0.1
- Preform initial import. Closes rhbz#2047524.
[ 1 ] Bug #1963603 - golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-1.1.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2018630 - golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt-1.1.3 is available
[ 3 ] Bug #2047524 - Review Request: golang-github-stefanberger-pkcs11uri - Golang pkcs11 URI library
golang-github-tonistiigi-opentelemetry-contrib-0.21.0-4.20220130gitcfed0ec.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5223f445a3)
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go
Update Information:
Bump to commit cfed0ec004c51e9ce46e9409003cd9e5f76f1b09
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.21.0-4
- Bump to commit cfed0ec004c51e9ce46e9409003cd9e5f76f1b09
golang-opentelemetry-contrib-1.3.0-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a78f9fc9f8)
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go
Update Information:
Unbootstrap ---- Initial import
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.3.0-2
- Uncommitted changes
* Sun Jan 30 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.3.0-1
- Initial release
golang-opentelemetry-otel-1.2.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-fa4d6901b8)
OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK
Update Information:
Update to 1.2.0
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.2.0-1
- Update to 1.2.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.0.0~RC2-3
- Rebuilt for
kalendar-0.4.0-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-820f1f0a04)
A calendar application using Akonadi to sync with external services
Update Information:
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
0.4.0-2 - Rebuilt for
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.4.0-2
- Rebuilt for
krecorder-21.12-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5f50f451ef)
Convergent KDE audio recording application
Update Information:
Version 21.12
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12-1
- 21.12
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.06-3
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2027145 - krecorder-21.12 is available
kuserfeedback-1.2.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-baad92b729)
Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys
Update Information:
update to 1.2.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Yaroslav Sidlovsky <zawertun(a)> - 1.2.0-1
- update to 1.2.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 1.0.0-11
- -console: uses qt5-qtcharts private api
- -devel: use cmake-style deps instead of hard-coding qt5-qtbase
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 1.0.0-10
- backport crash fix recommended by upstream
- cleanup macros
- simplify %files
- BR: bison flex (enables Survey targeting expressions support)
- drop BR: qt5-qtbase-private-devel (no private api use detected)
- drop non-autodetected runtime deps
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.0-9
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050741 - kuserfeedback-1.2.0 is available
libnbd-1.10.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-4f6ccf1368)
NBD client library in userspace
Update Information:
New upstream stable branch version 1.10.4 Fixes: CVE-2022-0485 nbdcopy may
create corrupted destination image
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones(a)> - 1.10.4-1
- New upstream stable branch version 1.10.4
- Fixes: CVE-2022-0485 nbdcopy may create corrupted destination image
[ 1 ] Bug #2050325 - CVE-2022-0485 libnbd: nbdcopy: missing error handling may create corrupted destination image [fedora-all]
oz-0.18.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-ef5fbe395f)
Library and utilities for automated guest OS installs
Update Information:
New upstream release
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 0.18.0-1
- Update to 0.18.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.17.0-21
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Oct 27 2021 Adam Williamson <awilliam(a)> - 0.17.0-20
- Try again to do what -19 probably failed to do (#2015490)
* Tue Oct 26 2021 Adam Williamson <awilliam(a)> - 0.17.0-19
- Don't write kickstart so initial-setup won't think root pw is set (#2015490)
pioneer-20220203-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-684e804f8c)
A game of lonely space adventure
Update Information:
- Release 20220203
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)> - 20220203-1
- Release 20220203
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 20210723-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050621 - pioneer-20220203 is available
plasma-pass-1.2.0-4.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-4150864d81)
Plasma applet to access passwords from the Pass password manager
Update Information:
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
1.2.0-4 - Rebuilt for
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.2.0-4
- Rebuilt for
puddletag-2.1.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-99c03e4750)
Feature rich, easy to use tag editor
Update Information:
Update to latest upstream release puddletag 2.1.1.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Terje Rosten <terje.rosten(a)> - 2.1.1-1
- 2.1.1
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Terje Rosten <terje.rosten(a)> - 2.1.0-1
- 2.1.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.1-5
- Rebuilt for
python-humanfriendly-10.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-fedfea45b8)
Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
Update Information:
Update to python-humanfriendly 10.0
* Tue Sep 21 2021 Major Hayden <major(a)> - 10.0-1
- Update to 10.0
python-pykwalify-1.8.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-c583f77d2b)
Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation
Update Information:
General changes: - Dropped support for python 3.5 and below, including 2.7 -
ruamel.yaml is now the default and preffered yaml parser - Dropped support for
pyyaml parser - Update minimum version of ruamel.yaml to 0.16.0 - Update
minimum version of python-dateutil to 2.8.0 CLI changes: - Added new cli
argument "--encoding ENCODING" that specifies what encoding to open data and
schema files with Changed behaviour: - Enum error strings now output all
possible values for easier debugging - Removed deprecated imp module. Dynamic
imports imght be affected New features: - Implement new type email that uses
a relative simple regex to validate email addresses according to RFC 5322
Official Standard - Implement new type `url` that uses a relative simple regex
to validate url:s according to RFC 1808 - Add new argument "schema_file_obj"
to Core class. Allows to pass in StringIO or similar interfaced objects to use
for validation. - Add new argument "data_file_obj" to Core class. Allows to
pass in StringIO or similar interfaced objects to use for validation.
Bug/issues fixed: - Fixed a regression from 1.6.1 where ruamel.yaml safe_load
would break for all built-in custom python tags. All normal python tags
should now be possible to use again. - Fixed an issue with regex values that
was not converted to str() before regex mapping was attempted. This should
validate things like integers and objects that support str() conversion better.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Felix Kaechele <felix(a)> - 1.8.0-1
- update to 1.8.0
- update to current python spec template
- drop python2 packaging, this version no longer supports it
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.7.0-13
- Rebuilt for
python-sport-activities-features-0.2.12-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-6d478da0d4)
A toolbox for extracting features from sport activity files
Update Information:
New release
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Iztok Fister Jr. <iztokf AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 0.2.12-1
- Update to the latest upstream's release
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.2.11-2
- Rebuilt for
rofi-1.7.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-99fe63c181)
A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
Update Information:
Update to 1.7.3 (#2048137)
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Aleksei Bavshin <alebastr(a)> - 1.7.3-1
- Update to 1.7.3 (#2048137)
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.7.2-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2048137 - rofi-1.7.3 is available
rpi-imager-1.7.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cb01978ffb)
Graphical user-interface to write disk images and format SD cards
Update Information:
New upstream release ---- New upstream release
* Sat Feb 5 2022 K. de Jong <keesdejong(a)> - 1.7.1-1
- New upstream release
* Thu Feb 3 2022 K. de Jong <keesdejong(a)> - 1.7-1
- New upstream release
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.6.2-4
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> - 1.6.2-3
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
[ 1 ] Bug #2050352 - New upstream version released (1.7)
[ 2 ] Bug #2050839 - rpi-imager-1.7.1 is available
rust-addr2line-0.17.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Cross-platform symbolication library based on gimli
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.17.0-1
- Update to version 0.17.0; Fixes RHBZ#2016810
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.16.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-ambient-authority-0.0.1-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Ambient Authority
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.1-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-arf-strings-0.6.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Encoding and decoding for ARF strings
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.6.3-1
- Initial import (#2050451)
rust-backtrace-0.3.64-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Library to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a Rust program
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.64-1
- Update to version 0.3.64; Fixes RHBZ#2016017
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.3.61-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cap-primitives-0.22.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Capability-based primitives
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.21.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.21.1-1
- Update to upstream 0.21.1 (fixes rhbz#1976474)
rust-cap-rand-0.22.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Capability-based random number generators
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.19.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Sep 23 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.19.1-1
- Update to upstream 0.19.1 (rhbz#1976471)
rust-cap-std-0.22.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Capability-based version of the Rust standard library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Update to version 0.22.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.21.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.21.1-1
- Bump to upstream 0.21.1 (fixes rhbz#1983296)
- Add fs_utf8 feature
rust-cap-tempfile-0.22.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Capability-based temporary directories
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Initial import (#1971774)
rust-cap-time-ext-0.22.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Extension traits for SystemClock and MonotonicClock
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.22.1-1
- Initial import (#1971773)
rust-combine-4.6.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-e7b90603e1)
Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support
Update Information:
- Update the kstring crate to version 1.0.6. - Update the combine crate to
version 4.6.3. - Initial packaging of the smol_str crate for Fedora.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 4.6.3-1
- Update to version 4.6.3; Fixes RHBZ#2050963
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 4.6.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Dec 6 2021 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 4.6.0-1
- Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#1982509
rust-cranelift-bforest-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Forest of B+-trees
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050433
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Low-level code generator library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050435
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-meta-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Metaprogram for cranelift-codegen code generator library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050432
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-codegen-shared-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
For code shared between cranelift-codegen-meta and cranelift-codegen
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050431
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-entity-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Data structures using entity references as mapping keys
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050425
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-frontend-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Cranelift IR builder helper
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027097
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-native-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Support for targeting the host with Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050436
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cranelift-wasm-0.80.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Translator from WebAssembly to Cranelift IR
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.80.0-1
- Update to version 0.80.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027098
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.77.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-fs-err-2.6.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Drop-in replacement for std::fs with more helpful error messages
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.6.0-1
- Initial import (#2050395)
rust-fs-set-times-0.14.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Set filesystem timestamps
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.14.1-1
- Update to version 0.14.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.14.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Dec 4 2021 Olivier Lemasle <o.lemasle(a)> - 0.14.0-1
- Update to upstream 0.14.0 (fixes rhbz#1976478)
rust-gimli-0.26.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Library for reading and writing the DWARF debugging format
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.26.1-1
- Update to version 0.26.1; Fixes RHBZ#2016809
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.25.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-glyph_brush_layout-0.2.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-4e2703d0dc)
Text layout for ab_glyph
Update Information:
Initial import; Fixes RHBZ#2048007
* Sat Feb 5 2022 R��mi Lauzier <remilauzier(a)> 0.2.3-1
- Initial import; Fixes RHBZ#2048007
[ 1 ] Bug #2048007 - Review Request: rust-glyph_brush_layout - Text layout for ab_glyph
rust-io-lifetimes-0.4.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Low-level I/O ownership and borrowing library
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.4.4-1
- Update to version 0.4.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.4.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-kstring-1.0.6-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-e7b90603e1)
Key String: optimized for map keys
Update Information:
- Update the kstring crate to version 1.0.6. - Update the combine crate to
version 4.6.3. - Initial packaging of the smol_str crate for Fedora.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> - 1.0.6-1
- Update to version 1.0.6
rust-mio-0.8.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Lightweight non-blocking IO
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.8.0-1
- Update to version 0.8.0; Fixes RHBZ#2022964
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.7.14-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-mio0.7-0.7.14-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Lightweight non-blocking IO
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.7.14-1
- Initial import (mio 0.7 compat package)
rust-object-0.27.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Unified interface for reading and writing object file formats
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.27.1-1
- Update to version 0.27.1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.26.2-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-os_pipe-1.0.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Cross-platform library for opening OS pipes
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.0-1
- Update to version 1.0.0; Fixes RHBZ#2023887
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.9.2-5
- Rebuilt for
rust-os_pipe0.9-0.9.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Cross-platform library for opening OS pipes
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.9.2-1
- Initial import (os_pipe 0.9 compat package)
rust-regalloc-0.0.33-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Modular register allocation algorithms
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.0.33-1
- Update to version 0.0.33
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.31-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-rustix-0.31.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Safe Rust bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock2-like syscalls
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.31.3-1
- Update to version 0.31.3
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.29.1-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-smol_str-0.1.21-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-e7b90603e1)
Small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone
Update Information:
- Update the kstring crate to version 1.0.6. - Update the combine crate to
version 4.6.3. - Initial packaging of the smol_str crate for Fedora.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.21-1
- Initial import (#2050967)
rust-tracing-0.1.30-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5f0113789b)
Application-level tracing for Rust
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.30-1
- Update to version 0.1.30; Fixes RHBZ#2050454
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.29-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-tracing-attributes-0.1.19-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5f0113789b)
Procedural macro attributes for automatically instrumenting functions
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.19-1
- Update to version 0.1.19; Fixes RHBZ#2050453
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.18-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-tracing-core-0.1.22-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5f0113789b)
Core primitives for application-level tracing
Update Information:
- Update the tracing crate to version 0.1.30. - Update the tracing-attributes
crate to version 0.1.19. - Update the tracing-core crate to version 0.1.22.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.22-1
- Update to version 0.1.22; Fixes RHBZ#2050455
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.1.21-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-cache-0.33.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Support for automatic module caching with Wasmtime
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-environ-0.33.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Standalone environment support for WebAsssembly code in Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2027096
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-fiber-0.33.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
Fiber support for Wasmtime
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050776
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-wasmtime-types-0.33.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbdd834169)
WebAssembly type definitions for Cranelift
Update Information:
- Update crates from the wasmtime stack to version 0.33.0. - Update crates from
the cranelift stack to version 0.80.0. - Update the regalloc crate to version
0.0.33. - Update the rustix, io-lifetimes, and fs-set-times crates to newer
versions. - Update the cap-* crates to version 0.22.1. - Update the object,
gimli, addr2line, and backtrace crates to their latest versions. - Update the
mio crate to version 0.8.0, and add a compat package for mio 0.7.x. - Update the
os_pipe crate to version 1.0.0, and add a compat package for os_pipe 0.9.x. -
Initial packaging of the arf-strings and fs-err crates for Fedora. This rather
big update should fix an also rather big number of FTBFS and FTI issues across
the Rust stack.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.33.0-1
- Update to version 0.33.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050426
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.30.0-3
- Rebuilt for
skychart-4.3-10.4466svn.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-701620e536)
Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomer
Update Information:
Update to latest svn Catgen is now available as a standalone subpackage.
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Mattia Verga <mattia.verga(a)> - 4.3-10.4466svn
- Update svn version
- Provide catgen by separate standalone subpackage
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.3-9.4401svn
- Rebuilt for
swayidle-1.7.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7d052b2196)
An idle daemon for wayland compositors
Update Information:
- Update to 1.7.1 (#2041188) - Add source verification - Apply upstream patch to
fix build on 32-bit architectures
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Aleksei Bavshin <alebastr(a)> - 1.7.1-1
- Update to 1.7.1 (#2041188)
- Add source verification
- Apply upstream patch to fix build on 32-bit architectures
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.7-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2041188 - swayidle-1.7.1 is available
trojan-1.16.0-15.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-08c5b5867f)
An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you avoid censorship
Update Information:
remove `User=nobody`
* Sat Feb 5 2022 Qiyu Yan <yanqiyu(a)> 1.16.0-15
- remove User=nobody from systemd unit file
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.16.0-14
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> 1.16.0-13
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
uwsgi-2.0.20-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-db55087b8f)
Fast, self-healing, application container server
Update Information:
Update to 2.0.20
* Sun Jan 23 2022 Ralf Ertzinger <ralf(a)> - 2.0.20-1
- Update to 2.0.20
- Fix build against PHP8
- Remove support for EL6
- General logic cleanup and removal of dead code from the spec file
- Add --verbose to build step to show compiler settings
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.18-16
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jan 6 2021 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> - 2.0.18-15
- F-34: rebuild against ruby 3.0
* Tue Sep 15 2020 Miro Hron��ok <mhroncok(a)> - 2.0.18-14
- Rebuilt for libevent soname change
* Sat Aug 1 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.18-13
- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.18-12
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 25 2020 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik(a)> - 2.0.18-11
- Perl 5.32 rebuild
* Sun May 31 2020 Bj��rn Esser <besser82(a)> - 2.0.18-10
- Rebuild (gloox)
* Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hron��ok <mhroncok(a)> - 2.0.18-9
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
* Tue May 12 2020 Jorge A Gallegos <kad(a)> - 2.0.18-8
- Patching PHP plugin to fix Zend framework
* Mon Apr 27 2020 Jorge A Gallegos <kad(a)> - 2.0.18-7
- Re-introducing tmpfiles.d (Jorge Gallegos)
* Tue Apr 7 2020 Jorge A Gallegos <kad(a)> - 2.0.18-6
- change mkdirs for install -d (Jorge Gallegos)
- Fix python plugins provides BZ 1628147 (Jorge Gallegos)
- Add a fix for psgi + GCC10 BZ 1794335 (Jorge Gallegos)
- Move path options outside main config BZ 1687403 (Jorge Gallegos)
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.18-5
- Rebuilt for
No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-34-20220204.0):
ID: 1119473 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1119486 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-35-20220204.0):
ID: 1119457 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1119470 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
The following Fedora 35 Security updates need testing:
6 mingw-qt5-qtsvg-5.15.2-6.fc35
6 stratisd-3.0.2-2.fc35
4 rust-afterburn-5.2.0-4.fc35
4 expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
4 perl-App-cpanminus-1.7045-1.fc35
2 php-laminas-form-2.17.1-1.fc35
2 phoronix-test-suite-10.8.1-1.fc35
2 lua-5.4.4-1.fc35
2 python-django-3.2.12-1.fc35
2 java-1.8.0-openjdk-
2 rlwrap-0.45.2-1.fc35
0 containerd-1.5.9-1.fc35
0 ipython-7.26.0-3.fc35
0 dotnet6.0-6.0.101-3.fc35
0 xstream-1.4.19-1.fc35
0 dotnet-build-reference-packages-0-11.20220201git045b288.fc35 dotnet3.1-3.1.416-2.fc35
0 libdxfrw-1.0.1-3.fc35 librecad-2.2.0-0.13.rc3.fc35
0 mingw-gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6-4.fc35
0 mingw-expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
The following Fedora 35 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
69 qemu-6.1.0-13.fc35
8 bolt-0.9.2-1.fc35
4 expat-2.4.4-1.fc35
4 libwacom-1.12.1-2.fc35
2 lua-5.4.4-1.fc35
2 ytnef-2.0-1.fc35
2 python-blivet-3.4.3-1.fc35
0 xen-4.15.2-1.fc35
0 hwdata-0.356-1.fc35
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 35 updates-testing
Details about builds:
alsa-sof-firmware-2.0-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-89613351f8)
Firmware and topology files for Sound Open Firmware project
Update Information:
Update Intel's SOF firmware to version 2.0. List of changes: Note: Please acknowledge
only if you have the affected hardware (sof-hda-dsp driver is used).
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Jaroslav Kysela <perex(a)> - 2.0-2
- Use CRC32 for the xz compression
* Thu Jan 27 2022 Jaroslav Kysela <perex(a)> - 2.0-1
- Update to v2.0
- Use xz compression
batctl-2022.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-dee3d6ad63)
B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool
Update Information:
No code changes, version bump
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Felix Kaechele <heffer(a)> - 2022.0-1
- update to 2022.0
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2021.4-2
- Rebuilt for
borgmatic-1.5.22-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-8011c6c2bc)
Simple Python wrapper script for borgbackup
Update Information:
- [#288](
collective/borgmatic/issues/288): Add database dump hook for MongoDB. -
Move mysqldump options to the beginning of the command due to MySQL bug 30994. -
When command-line configuration override produces a parse error, error cleanly
instead of tracebacking. -
Fix unicode error when restoring particular MySQL databases. - Drop support
for Python 3.6, which has been end-of-lifed. - Add support for Python 3.10.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Felix Kaechele <felix(a)> - 1.5.22-2
- fix sed on systemd unit to only replace the path
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Felix Kaechele <felix(a)> - 1.5.22-1
- update to 1.5.22
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.5.21-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2037158 - borgmatic-1.5.22 is available
buildah-1.24.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-3936280235)
A command line tool used for creating OCI Images
Update Information:
bump to v1.24.1
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.1-1
- bump to v1.24.1
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Ed Santiago <santiago(a)> 1.24.0-8
- tests package: now require git-daemon
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.0-6
- adjust containers-common dep for f35
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.0-5
- adjust containers-common dep for f35
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.0-4
- unpack git content
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.0-2
- fix deps and golang provides
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.24.0-1
- bump to v1.24.0, bump containers-common dep
* Thu Jan 27 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.23.2-1
- bump to v1.23.2, switch to autospec
* Thu Jan 27 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.23.1-2
- Rebuilt for
containernetworking-plugins-1.0.1-4.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-d0d128e8f0)
Libraries for writing CNI plugin
Update Information:
- bump containers-common to 4:1-41 - containers-common post install script
checks for prior existence of docker manpages and installs them if not found.
Should not conflict with any docker package - netavark `Provides: container-
network-stack = 2` - containernetworking-plugins `Provides: container-network-
stack = 1` New installations of containers-common should pull in netavark by
default though people can still install containernetworking-plugins
simultaneously with netavark. ---- Resolves: #2048794 - initial build
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.0.1-4
- Provides: container-network-stack = 1
[ 1 ] Bug #2048794 - Review Request: netavark - OCI network stack
containers-common-1-41.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-d0d128e8f0)
Common configuration and documentation for containers
Update Information:
- bump containers-common to 4:1-41 - containers-common post install script
checks for prior existence of docker manpages and installs them if not found.
Should not conflict with any docker package - netavark `Provides: container-
network-stack = 2` - containernetworking-plugins `Provides: container-network-
stack = 1` New installations of containers-common should pull in netavark by
default though people can still install containernetworking-plugins
simultaneously with netavark. ---- Resolves: #2048794 - initial build
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 4:1-41
- Check for docker manpage existence in %post
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 4:1-40
- resolve docker manpage conflicts
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 4:1-39
- no error if man5 exists
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 4:1-38
- install containerfile and dockerfile manpages
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh(a)> 4:1-37
- Update man pages and config files
* Tue Jan 25 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 4:1-36
- Depend on container-network-stack and switch to autospec
* Mon Nov 8 2021 Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh(a)> 4:1-35
- Update to grab latest man pages and configuration files
* Thu Oct 21 2021 Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh(a)> 4:1-34
- Update to grab latest man pages and configuration files
[ 1 ] Bug #2048794 - Review Request: netavark - OCI network stack
distribution-gpg-keys-1.64-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2021-a7d4aaa6fe)
GPG keys of various Linux distributions
Update Information:
mock-core-configs v37 - link default.cfg file to the right EL N config file -
Add centos-stream+epel-8 configs - move CentOS/EPEL 8 configs to eol/ - Fedora
36 branching, Rawhide == Fedora 37 now - depend on distribution-gpg-keys 1.64 -
drop failovermethod=priority from EL8 configs - Add Extras repo for CentOS
Stream 9 (ngompa13(a) - remove el7 specific parts from the spec file
(msuchy(a) distribution-gpg-keys - move Fedora Rawhide key to F37 -
Add EuroLinux 9 key - Add CentOS Extras SIG key - Add symlink for CentOS Stream
9 to main official key Release notes: https://rpm-software- mock - disable system call
filtering - pass env to podman run (dani(a) - give user alternative
help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - podman, explictily specify stdin as tar
source (vreeland.justin(a) - add a new 'ssl_extra_certs' option
(patrick(a) mock-core-configs - add CentOS Stream 9 + EPEL Next 9
(ngompa13(a) - add compatibility symlinks for EPEL 7 to centos+epel-7-*
(ngompa13(a) - EPEL 7 for AArch64 and PPC64 are EOL (ngompa13(a)
- resolve the multiple "local" repo collision (from multiple templates) -
configure the alternative help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - Fedora 33 is EOL
- rhelepel moved to rhel+epel - EOL the EPEL Playground configs
(ngompa13(a) - Add rocky+epel confs + Disable devel-debug
(tucklesepk(a) - Rename epel to centos+epel (ngompa13(a) - fix
the root name and remove Next from the EPEL 9 configs (ngompa13(a) -
rename 'epel-next' to 'centos-stream+epel-next' (ngompa13(a) - add epel9
repos to epel9 template (carl(a) - rhbz#2026571 - expand dnf_vars
(msuchy(a) - oraclelinux+epel configs (carl(a) - Add
AlmaLinux+EPEL configs (ngompa13(a) - add navy-8-x86_64 (adil(a)
- use Almalinux image (gotmax(a) - use fully qualified
bootstrap_image name (gotmax(a) - update almalinux-8.tpl bootstrap_image
(gotmax(a) - add Koji local repos to CentOS Stream configs
(ngompa13(a) - reduce packages installed in epel chroots
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 1.64-1
- move Fedora Rawhide key to F37
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 1.63-1
- Add EuroLinux 9 key
- Add CentOS Extras SIG key
- Add symlink for CentOS Stream 9 to main official key
[ 1 ] Bug #2026571 - Unable to build the root for centos-stream-8-x86_64
edflib-1.21-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-06a495c84e)
C/C++ library to read/write EDF+ and BDF+ files
Update Information:
Update to 1.21 - Fixed a bug where EDFplus patient and recording subfields were
not read correctly if they started with an ���X���.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.21-1
- Update to 1.21 (close RHBZ#2050649)
[ 1 ] Bug #2050649 - edflib-1.21 is available
elisa-player-21.12.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbc27e4baf)
Elisa music player
Update Information:
Update to 21.12.2.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.12.2-1
- Update to 21.12.2
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050151 - elisa-player-21.12.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2050342 - kio-gdrive-21.12.2 is available
erlang-rebar3-3.18.0-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a0bbde50cd)
Tool for working with Erlang projects
Update Information:
Added missing templates ---- Rebar3 ver. 3.18.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov(a)> - 3.18.0-2
- Install templates
- Drop bundled hex_core
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov(a)> - 3.18.0-1
- New upstream release
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 3.14.3-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2041228 - Rebar3 comes with now packaged templates
flacon-8.3.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-043501f966)
Audio File Encoder
Update Information:
Update to 8.3.0.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 8.3.0-1
- Update to 8.3.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 8.2.0-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2048847 - flacon-8.3.0 is available
fotoxx-22.12-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-1342570ed0)
Photo editor
Update Information:
22.12 ---- 22.11
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 22.12-1
- 22.12
* Thu Jan 27 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 22.11-1
- 22.11
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 22.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2047404 - fotoxx-22.11 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2050708 - fotoxx-22.12 is available
glibc-2.34-25.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-54e67a0076)
The GNU libc libraries
Update Information:
This update fixes a race condition in the networking functions `if_indextoname`,
`if_nametoindex`, `ifreq`
([swbz#28353]( and
corrects a bug in the arena scaling code for `malloc`
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Florian Weimer <fweimer(a)> - 2.34-25
- Sync with upstream branch release/2.34/master,
commit 6eaf10cbb78d22eae7999d9de55f6b93999e0860:
- socket: Do not use AF_NETLINK in __opensock
- hurd if_index: Explicitly use AF_INET for if index discovery
- Linux: Simplify __opensock and fix race condition [BZ #28353]
- linux: __get_nprocs_sched: do not feed CPU_COUNT_S with garbage [BZ #28850]
golang-k8s-cri-api-1.23.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-60185ba213)
Plugin interface which enables kubelet to use container runtimes
Update Information:
Update to 1.23.3
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.23.3-1
- Update to 1.23.3
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.22.0-2
- Rebuilt for
golang-k8s-gengo-0-0.13.20220204gitc02415c.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-c5d0e8a9d4)
Gengo library for code generation
Update Information:
Bump to commit c02415ce41852193a7b49b79639ec83b8f517515
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0-0.13
- Bump to commit c02415ce41852193a7b49b79639ec83b8f517515
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0-0.12
- Rebuilt for
golang-sigs-k8s-structured-merge-diff-4.2.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-9852ec476c)
Test cases and implementation for "server-side apply"
Update Information:
Update to 4.2.1 Close: rhbz#2019657
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.2.1-1
- Update to 4.2.1 Close: rhbz#2019657
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 4.1.2-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2019657 - golang-sigs-k8s-structured-merge-diff-4.2.1 is available
gst-editing-services-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
Gstreamer editing services
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
- remove old patch
* Mon Jan 24 2022 David King <amigadave(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Fix missing ges-image-source.h header (#2036385)
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.19.3-3
- Fix build, gtk_doc does not exist anymore.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-doc-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer documentation
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to version 1.20.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plugins
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer streaming media framework base plugins
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.19.3-3
- Fix build, gtk_doc does not exist anymore.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Thu Jan 27 2022 Tom Callaway <spot(a)> - 1.19.3-4
- rebuild for libvpx
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.19.3-3
- Fix build
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer streaming media framework "ugly" plugins
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-rtsp-server-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer RTSP server library
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
gstreamer1-vaapi-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
hostapd-2.10-3.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-da8222a1bc)
IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
Update Information:
Security update for CVE-2022-23303, CVE-2022-23304 Update to version 2.10, which
upstream maintainer advises for these CVEs.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.10-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jan 19 2022 John W. Linville <linville(a)> - 2.10-2
- Enable CONFIG_OCV build option to fight multi-channel MITM attacks
* Mon Jan 17 2022 John W. Linville <linville(a)> - 2.10-1
- Update to version 2.10 from upstream
- Enable support for IEEE802.11ax
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> - 2.9-13
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
* Fri Sep 10 2021 Davide Caratti <dcaratti(a)> - 2.9-12
- backport fix for NetworkManager-ci failures with openssl-3.0.0
[ 1 ] Bug #2044599 - CVE-2022-23304 wpa_supplicant: EAP-pwd side-channel attacks as a result of cache access patterns
[ 2 ] Bug #2044602 - CVE-2022-23303 wpa_supplicant: SAE side channel attacks as a result of cache access patterns
hylafax+-7.0.5-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b90c71bc73)
An enterprise-strength fax server
Update Information:
update to 7.0.5
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Lee Howard <faxguy(a)> - 7.0.5-1
- update to 7.0.5
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 7.0.4-4
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad <sahana(a)> - 7.0.4-3
- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
kate-21.12.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-74707ed2dd)
Advanced Text Editor
Update Information:
Security fix for CVE-2022-23853
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 21.12.2-1
- 21.12.2
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jan 6 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 21.12.1-1
- 21.12.1
* Thu Dec 9 2021 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 21.12.0-1
- 21.12.0
[ 1 ] Bug #2048633 - CVE-2022-23853 ktexteditor: Missing validation of binaries executed via QProcess
kbackup-21.12.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbc27e4baf)
Back up your data in a simple, user friendly way
Update Information:
Update to 21.12.2.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.12.2-1
- Update to 21.12.2
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050151 - elisa-player-21.12.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2050342 - kio-gdrive-21.12.2 is available
kio-gdrive-21.12.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbc27e4baf)
An Google Drive KIO slave for KDE
Update Information:
Update to 21.12.2.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.12.2-1
- Update to 21.12.2
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050151 - elisa-player-21.12.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2050342 - kio-gdrive-21.12.2 is available
kuserfeedback-1.0.0-11.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cf7e57b867)
Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys
Update Information:
Backport upstream crashfix
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 1.0.0-11
- -console: uses qt5-qtcharts private api
- -devel: use cmake-style deps instead of hard-coding qt5-qtbase
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)> - 1.0.0-10
- backport crash fix recommended by upstream
- cleanup macros
- simplify %files
- BR: bison flex (enables Survey targeting expressions support)
- drop BR: qt5-qtbase-private-devel (no private api use detected)
- drop non-autodetected runtime deps
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.0.0-9
- Rebuilt for
libreoffice- (FEDORA-2022-b2a8078333)
Free Software Productivity Suite
Update Information:
- workaround a crash on starting up under plasma while using the gtk3 version of
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Caol��n McNamara <caolanm(a)> - 1:
- bump n-v-r to try a build after
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Caol��n McNamara <caolanm(a)> - 1:
- rhbz#2047319 drop the SolarMutex before QApplication::init()
* Sat Jan 29 2022 Caol��n McNamara <caolanm(a)> - 1:
- tdf#146971 don't change a11y desc to replace PRODUCTNAME, may solve
[ 1 ] Bug #2047319 - LibreOffice crashes on startup with 'invalid cast' when SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN is set to gtk3 (Plasma Wayland)
minuet-21.12.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cbc27e4baf)
A KDE Software for Music Education
Update Information:
Update to 21.12.2.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.12.2-1
- Update to 21.12.2
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050151 - elisa-player-21.12.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2050342 - kio-gdrive-21.12.2 is available
mock-2.16-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2021-a7d4aaa6fe)
Builds packages inside chroots
Update Information:
mock-core-configs v37 - link default.cfg file to the right EL N config file -
Add centos-stream+epel-8 configs - move CentOS/EPEL 8 configs to eol/ - Fedora
36 branching, Rawhide == Fedora 37 now - depend on distribution-gpg-keys 1.64 -
drop failovermethod=priority from EL8 configs - Add Extras repo for CentOS
Stream 9 (ngompa13(a) - remove el7 specific parts from the spec file
(msuchy(a) distribution-gpg-keys - move Fedora Rawhide key to F37 -
Add EuroLinux 9 key - Add CentOS Extras SIG key - Add symlink for CentOS Stream
9 to main official key Release notes: https://rpm-software- mock - disable system call
filtering - pass env to podman run (dani(a) - give user alternative
help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - podman, explictily specify stdin as tar
source (vreeland.justin(a) - add a new 'ssl_extra_certs' option
(patrick(a) mock-core-configs - add CentOS Stream 9 + EPEL Next 9
(ngompa13(a) - add compatibility symlinks for EPEL 7 to centos+epel-7-*
(ngompa13(a) - EPEL 7 for AArch64 and PPC64 are EOL (ngompa13(a)
- resolve the multiple "local" repo collision (from multiple templates) -
configure the alternative help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - Fedora 33 is EOL
- rhelepel moved to rhel+epel - EOL the EPEL Playground configs
(ngompa13(a) - Add rocky+epel confs + Disable devel-debug
(tucklesepk(a) - Rename epel to centos+epel (ngompa13(a) - fix
the root name and remove Next from the EPEL 9 configs (ngompa13(a) -
rename 'epel-next' to 'centos-stream+epel-next' (ngompa13(a) - add epel9
repos to epel9 template (carl(a) - rhbz#2026571 - expand dnf_vars
(msuchy(a) - oraclelinux+epel configs (carl(a) - Add
AlmaLinux+EPEL configs (ngompa13(a) - add navy-8-x86_64 (adil(a)
- use Almalinux image (gotmax(a) - use fully qualified
bootstrap_image name (gotmax(a) - update almalinux-8.tpl bootstrap_image
(gotmax(a) - add Koji local repos to CentOS Stream configs
(ngompa13(a) - reduce packages installed in epel chroots
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 2.16-1
- disable system call filtering
- pass env to podman run (dani(a)
- give user alternative help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs
- podman, explictily specify stdin as tar source (vreeland.justin(a)
- add a new 'ssl_extra_certs' option (patrick(a)
[ 1 ] Bug #2026571 - Unable to build the root for centos-stream-8-x86_64
mock-core-configs-37.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2021-a7d4aaa6fe)
Mock core config files basic chroots
Update Information:
mock-core-configs v37 - link default.cfg file to the right EL N config file -
Add centos-stream+epel-8 configs - move CentOS/EPEL 8 configs to eol/ - Fedora
36 branching, Rawhide == Fedora 37 now - depend on distribution-gpg-keys 1.64 -
drop failovermethod=priority from EL8 configs - Add Extras repo for CentOS
Stream 9 (ngompa13(a) - remove el7 specific parts from the spec file
(msuchy(a) distribution-gpg-keys - move Fedora Rawhide key to F37 -
Add EuroLinux 9 key - Add CentOS Extras SIG key - Add symlink for CentOS Stream
9 to main official key Release notes: https://rpm-software- mock - disable system call
filtering - pass env to podman run (dani(a) - give user alternative
help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - podman, explictily specify stdin as tar
source (vreeland.justin(a) - add a new 'ssl_extra_certs' option
(patrick(a) mock-core-configs - add CentOS Stream 9 + EPEL Next 9
(ngompa13(a) - add compatibility symlinks for EPEL 7 to centos+epel-7-*
(ngompa13(a) - EPEL 7 for AArch64 and PPC64 are EOL (ngompa13(a)
- resolve the multiple "local" repo collision (from multiple templates) -
configure the alternative help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs - Fedora 33 is EOL
- rhelepel moved to rhel+epel - EOL the EPEL Playground configs
(ngompa13(a) - Add rocky+epel confs + Disable devel-debug
(tucklesepk(a) - Rename epel to centos+epel (ngompa13(a) - fix
the root name and remove Next from the EPEL 9 configs (ngompa13(a) -
rename 'epel-next' to 'centos-stream+epel-next' (ngompa13(a) - add epel9
repos to epel9 template (carl(a) - rhbz#2026571 - expand dnf_vars
(msuchy(a) - oraclelinux+epel configs (carl(a) - Add
AlmaLinux+EPEL configs (ngompa13(a) - add navy-8-x86_64 (adil(a)
- use Almalinux image (gotmax(a) - use fully qualified
bootstrap_image name (gotmax(a) - update almalinux-8.tpl bootstrap_image
(gotmax(a) - add Koji local repos to CentOS Stream configs
(ngompa13(a) - reduce packages installed in epel chroots
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 37.1-1
- drop EL7 related %build hack
- link default.cfg file to the right EL N config file
- Add centos-stream+epel-8 configs
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 37-1
- move CentOS/EPEL 8 configs to eol/
- Fedora 36 branching, Rawhide == Fedora 37 now
- depend on distribution-gpg-keys 1.64
- drop failovermethod=priority from EL8 configs
- Add Extras repo for CentOS Stream 9 (ngompa13(a)
- remove el7 specific parts from the spec file (msuchy(a)
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup(a)> 36.4-1
- add CentOS Stream 9 + EPEL Next 9 (ngompa13(a)
- add compatibility symlinks for EPEL 7 to centos+epel-7-* (ngompa13(a)
- EPEL 7 for AArch64 and PPC64 are EOL (ngompa13(a)
- resolve the multiple "local" repo collision (from multiple templates)
- configure the alternative help for missing 'epel-8-*' configs
- Fedora 33 is EOL
- rhelepel moved to rhel+epel
- EOL the EPEL Playground configs (ngompa13(a)
- Add rocky+epel confs + Disable devel-debug (tucklesepk(a)
- Rename epel to centos+epel (ngompa13(a)
- fix the root name and remove Next from the EPEL 9 configs (ngompa13(a)
- rename 'epel-next' to 'centos-stream+epel-next' (ngompa13(a)
- add epel9 repos to epel9 template (carl(a)
- rhbz#2026571 - expand dnf_vars (msuchy(a)
- oraclelinux+epel configs (carl(a)
- Add AlmaLinux+EPEL configs (ngompa13(a)
- add navy-8-x86_64 (adil(a)
- use Almalinux image (gotmax(a)
- use fully qualified bootstrap_image name (gotmax(a)
- update almalinux-8.tpl bootstrap_image (gotmax(a)
- add Koji local repos to CentOS Stream configs (ngompa13(a)
- reduce packages installed in epel chroots (carl(a)
[ 1 ] Bug #2026571 - Unable to build the root for centos-stream-8-x86_64
mrchem-1.0.2-3.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-fd3326f130)
A numerical real-space code for molecular electronic structure calculations
Update Information:
First release in Fedora.
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola(a)> - 1.0.2-3
- Address review comments
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola(a)> - 1.0.2-2
- Minor cleanups
* Sat Dec 25 2021 Susi Lehtola <jussilehtola(a)> - 1.0.2-1
- First release
[ 1 ] Bug #2035792 - Review Request: mrchem - A numerical real-space code for molecular electronic structure calculations
netavark-1.0.0~rc1-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-d0d128e8f0)
OCI network stack
Update Information:
- bump containers-common to 4:1-41 - containers-common post install script
checks for prior existence of docker manpages and installs them if not found.
Should not conflict with any docker package - netavark `Provides: container-
network-stack = 2` - containernetworking-plugins `Provides: container-network-
stack = 1` New installations of containers-common should pull in netavark by
default though people can still install containernetworking-plugins
simultaneously with netavark. ---- Resolves: #2048794 - initial build
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.0.0~rc1-2
- Provides: container-network-stack = 2
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5(a)> 1.0.0~rc1-1
- Resolves: #2048794 - initial build
[ 1 ] Bug #2048794 - Review Request: netavark - OCI network stack
nodejs-16.13.2-8.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-0c0c487184)
JavaScript runtime
Update Information:
Fix for CVE-2021-43616
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-8
- Update npm to 8.3.1 (CVE-2021-43616)
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-7
- Fix incorrect version Provides: for npm (bz#2049873)
* Mon Jan 31 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-6
- Rebuild for more architectures
* Mon Jan 31 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-5
- Tweak some dependencies on EPEL 7 (bz2048589)
- Add Provides: bundled(zlib)
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-3
- Bundle zlib on EPEL 7
* Mon Jan 17 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:16.13.2-2
- Add support for building on EPEL 7
[ 1 ] Bug #2050282 - CVE-2021-43616 npm: npm ci succeeds when package-lock.json doesn't match package.json
perl-Geo-IPfree-1.160.000-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-007978fe30)
Look up the country of an IPv4 Address
Update Information:
This release adds a code for Kosovo. It also rempliments caching to free from a
dependnecy on Memoize Perl module.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Petr Pisar <ppisar(a)> - 1.160.000-2
- Help generators to recognize tests as Perl scripts
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Petr Pisar <ppisar(a)> - 1.160.000-1
- 1.160000 bump
- Package the tests
[ 1 ] Bug #2049731 - Upgrade perl-Geo-IPfree to 1.160000
php-composer-semver3-3.2.8-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-9a138af82d)
Semver library version 3
Update Information:
**Version 3.2.8** * Updates to latest phpstan / CI by @Seldaek in #130 *
Fixed MultiConstraint with MatchAllConstraint by @Toflar in #129
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.2.8-1
- update to 3.2.8
php-laminas-json-server-3.5.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-42af79c156)
Laminas Json-Server is a JSON-RPC server implementation
Update Information:
**Version 3.5.0** Enhancement * 21: PHP 8.1 support thanks to @arueckauer *
2: Component maintenance: PHP update thanks to @arueckauer
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.5.0-1
- update to 3.5.0
php-twig2-2.14.11-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-58abb323f0)
The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Update Information:
**Version 2.14.11** (2022-02-04) * Fix a security issue when in a sandbox: the
`sort` filter must require a Closure for the `arrow` parameter * Fix
deprecation notice on `round` * Fix call to deprecated `convertToHtml` method
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 2.14.11-1
- update to 2.14.11
php-twig3-3.3.8-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7d871d7583)
The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Update Information:
**Version 3.3.8** (2022-02-04) * Fix a security issue when in a sandbox: the
`sort` filter must require a Closure for the `arrow` parameter * Fix
deprecation notice on `round` * Fix call to deprecated `convertToHtml` method
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.3.8-1
- update to 3.3.8
pungi-4.3.3-3.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-310e303f6b)
Distribution compose tool
Update Information:
Bug fix for module obsoletes crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Lubom��r Sedl���� <lsedlar(a)> - 4.3.3-3
- Backport typo fix
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.3.3-2
- Rebuilt for
python-azure-sdk-tools-0.0.0~git.2.a5a4ef4-4.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-e2fe4c22b3)
Specific tools for Azure SDK for Python testing
Update Information:
Fix provides issue from BZ 2048083
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Major Hayden <major(a)> - 0.0.0~git.2.a5a4ef4-4
- Fixing bogus provides from BZ 2048083.
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.0~git.2.a5a4ef4-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Sep 8 2021 Major Hayden <major(a)> - 0.0.0~git.2.a5a4ef4-2
- Move obsoletes into subpackage
* Wed Aug 11 2021 Major Hayden <major(a)> - 0.0.0~git.2.a5a4ef4
- Update to latest git checkout from 2021-08-11
- Reduce SRPM file size
[ 1 ] Bug #2048083 - python3-azure-sdk-tools provides python3dist(azure-sdk-tools) = 0
python-google-api-core-2.5.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-fa2396c51f)
Core Library for Google Client Libraries
Update Information:
Update to 2.5.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Major Hayden <major(a)> 2.5.0-1
- Update to 2.5.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 2.4.0-5
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2049979 - python-google-api-core-2.5.0 is available
python-google-auth-2.6.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-c0f1e6c215)
Google Auth Python Library
Update Information:
Update to 2.6.0
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Fedora Release Monitoring <release-monitoring(a)> - 1:2.6.0-1
- Update to 2.6.0 (#2048870)
[ 1 ] Bug #2048870 - python-google-auth-2.6.0 is available
python-google-cloud-kms-2.11.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-8809aec123)
Python Client for Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API
Update Information:
Update to 2.11.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Major Hayden <major(a)> 2.11.0-1
- Update to 2.11.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 2.10.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050185 - python-google-cloud-kms-2.11.0 is available
python-google-cloud-private-ca-1.2.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-825b63e4c4)
Python Client for Google Cloud Certificate Authority Service
Update Information:
Update to 1.2.2
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Major Hayden <major(a)> 1.2.2-1
- Update to 1.2.2
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.2.1-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050186 - python-google-cloud-private-ca-1.2.2 is available
python-gstreamer1-1.20.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-b14e084006)
Python bindings for GStreamer
Update Information:
A new upstream update with the following highlights: * Development in GitLab
was switched to a single git repository containing all the modules * GstPlay:
new high-level playback library, replaces GstPlayer * WebM Alpha decoding
support * Encoding profiles can now be tweaked with additional application-
specified element properties * Compositor: multi-threaded video conversion and
mixing * RTP header extensions: unified support in RTP depayloader and payloader
base classes * SMPTE 2022-1 2-D Forward Error Correction support * Smart
encoding (pass through) support for VP8, VP9, H.265 in encodebin and
transcodebin * Runtime compatibility support for libsoup2 and libsoup3 (libsoup3
support experimental) * Video decoder subframe support * Video decoder automatic
packet-loss, data corruption, and keyframe request handling for RTP / WebRTC /
RTSP * mp4 and Matroska muxers now support profile/level/resolution changes for
H.264/H.265 input streams (i.e. codec data changing on the fly) * mp4 muxing
mode that initially creates a fragmented mp4 which is converted to a regular mp4
on EOS * Audio support for the WebKit Port for Embedded (WPE) web page source
element * CUDA based video color space convert and rescale elements and
upload/download elements * NVIDIA memory:NVMM support for OpenGL glupload and
gldownload elements * Many WebRTC improvements * The new VA-API plugin
implementation fleshed out with more decoders and new postproc elements *
AppSink API to retrieve events in addition to buffers and buffer lists * AppSrc
gained more configuration options for the internal queue (leakiness, limits in
buffers and time, getters to read current levels) * Updated Rust bindings and
many new Rust plugins * Improved support for custom minimal GStreamer builds *
Support build against FFmpeg 5.0 * Linux Stateless CODEC support gained MPEG-2
and VP9 * Windows Direct3D11/DXVA decoder gained AV1 and MPEG-2 support * Lots
of new plugins, features, performance improvements and bug fixes ---- Fix
numeric conversion, correct Pitivi crash.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.0-1
- Update to 1.20.0
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 1.19.90-1
- 1.19.90
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.19.3-3
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Jan 2 2022 W. Michael Petullo <mike(a)> - 1.19.3-2
- Backport patch (upstream commit f95f63c5) that fixes BZ #2036542 and #2014915
[ 1 ] Bug #2014915 - [abrt] pitivi: __setitem__(): gi.FunctionInfo(set_value) returned a result with an exception set
python-openshift-0.13.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-43012bc996)
Python client for the OpenShift API
Update Information:
Update to 0.13.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.13.0-1
- Update to 0.13.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.12.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.12.1-1
- Update to 0.12.1
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.11.2-5
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1:0.11.2-4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.11.2-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.11.2-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jun 8 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> - 1:
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
* Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hron��ok <mhroncok(a)> - 1:0.11.0-4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.11.0-3
- Add missing changelog entries
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.11.0-2
- Fix el8 builds
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.11.0-1
- Update to 0.11.0
* Fri Mar 13 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.10.3-1
- Update to 0.10.3
* Wed Feb 19 2020 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> 1:0.10.2-1
- Update to 0.10.2
python-pudb-2022.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a534970844)
A full-screen, console-based Python debugger
Update Information:
Update to 2022.1
* Mon Jan 17 2022 Lum��r Balhar <lbalhar(a)> - 2022.1-1
- Update to 2022.1
Resolves: rhbz#2018390
* Wed Oct 6 2021 Lum��r Balhar <lbalhar(a)> - 2021.1-1
- Update to 2021.1
Resolves: rhbz#1582173
[ 1 ] Bug #2018390 - python-pudb-2022.1 is available
python-websockify-0.10.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-73153abc6c)
WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol
Update Information:
Update to 0.10.0 to fix for Python 3.9+
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Neal Gompa <ngompa(a)> - 0.10.0-1
- Update to 0.10.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.9.0-7
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1998092 - Update websockify to 0.10.0
rpm-ostree-2022.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-e8ac36c7dc)
Hybrid image/package system
Update Information:
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Joseph Marrero <jmarrero(a)> - 2022.2-1
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2022.1-3
- Rebuilt for
rubygem-jekyll-seo-tag-2.8.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-96ec14cf5d)
Jekyll plugin to add SEO metadata tags
Update Information:
Update to 2.8.0
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fedora Release Monitoring <release-monitoring(a)> - 2.8.0-1
- Update to 2.8.0 (#2050798)
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.7.1-4
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050798 - rubygem-jekyll-seo-tag-2.8.0 is available
rust-clang-sys-1.3.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-54046aa019)
Rust bindings for libclang
Update Information:
Update to version 1.3.1.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.3.1-1
- Update to version 1.3.1; Fixes RHBZ#2050476
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 1.3.0-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-futf-0.1.5-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-17fa0958fc)
Handling fragments of UTF-8
Update Information:
Update to version 0.1.5.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.5-1
- Update to version 0.1.5; Fixes RHBZ#2050709
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.1.4-8
- Rebuilt for
rust-os_info-3.2.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-2d0d7af29d)
Detect the operating system type and version
Update Information:
Update to version 3.2.0.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 3.2.0-1
- Update to version 3.2.0; Fixes RHBZ#2050711
sil-charis-fonts-6.001-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-9ad200a6de)
Charis SIL, a font family similar to Bitstream Charter
Update Information:
Update to new upstream release
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Parag Nemade <pnemade(a)> - 6.001-1
- Update to new upstream release
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Parag Nemade <pnemade(a)> - 5.000-20
- Fix packaging issue
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)>
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)>
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)>
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)>
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Apr 27 2020 Nicolas Mailhot <nim(a)>
- 5.000-15
���� Workaround Fedora problems created by rpm commit 93604e2
tfdocgen-1.00-2.20220124gita9d4bf8.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a875475190)
TiLP framework documentation generator
Update Information:
Initial build for TiLP packages
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 1:1.00-2
- Gate the forge macros out for el7
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 1:1.00-1
- Switch to the new upstream and bump to 1.00; Resolves: RHBZ#2044700
* Tue Feb 1 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 20150202git-3
- Misc specfile files
[ 1 ] Bug #2044700 - Review Request: tfdocgen - TiLP framework documentation generator
[ 2 ] Bug #2048270 - Review Request: tilibs - Texas Instruments calculators interface libraries
[ 3 ] Bug #2048271 - Review Request: tilp_and_gfm - Desktop applications to manage Texas Instruments calculators
tilibs-1.19-3.20220202git8aae708.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a875475190)
Texas Instruments calculators interface libraries
Update Information:
Initial build for TiLP packages
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 1.19-3
- Fix the epel7 build
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 1.19-2
- Fix typo in Requires for libticables
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Davide Cavalca <davide(a)> 1.19-1
- Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2048270
[ 1 ] Bug #2044700 - Review Request: tfdocgen - TiLP framework documentation generator
[ 2 ] Bug #2048270 - Review Request: tilibs - Texas Instruments calculators interface libraries
[ 3 ] Bug #2048271 - Review Request: tilp_and_gfm - Desktop applications to manage Texas Instruments calculators
tilp_and_gfm-1.19-2.20220201git752aef4.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a875475190)
Desktop applications to manage Texas Instruments calculators
Update Information:
Initial build for TiLP packages
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 1.19-2
- Fix the epel7 build
* Wed Feb 2 2022 Davide Cavalca <davide(a)> 1.19-1
- Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2048271
[ 1 ] Bug #2044700 - Review Request: tfdocgen - TiLP framework documentation generator
[ 2 ] Bug #2048270 - Review Request: tilibs - Texas Instruments calculators interface libraries
[ 3 ] Bug #2048271 - Review Request: tilp_and_gfm - Desktop applications to manage Texas Instruments calculators
vcpkg-2022.02.01-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-f2bba92db5)
C++ Library Manager
Update Information:
Updated to version 2022.02.01.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Vitaly Zaitsev <vitaly(a)> - 2022.02.01-1
- Updated to version 2022.02.01.
webp-pixbuf-loader-0.0.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-027256ed13)
WebP image loader for GTK+ applications
Update Information:
Update to 0.0.4 to support animated webp support
* Thu Feb 3 2022 Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <mikel(a)> 0.0.4-1
- Update to 0.0.4 - Closes rhbz#2050423
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.0.3-3
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050423 - webp-pixbuf-loader-0.0.4 is available
x2goserver- (FEDORA-2022-5e73dd3d2e)
X2Go Server
Update Information:
Fix x2goversion output
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Orion Poplawski <orion(a)> -
- Add upstream patch to fix x2goversion (bz#2050350)
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> -
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2050350 - x2goversion is not producing the correct output
yt-dlp-2022.02.04-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-d13291362f)
A command-line program to download videos from online video platforms
Update Information:
Update to 2022.02.04. Fixes rhbz#2050497.
* Fri Feb 4 2022 Maxwell G <gotmax(a)> - 2022.2.4-1
- Update to 2022.2.4. Fixes rhbz#2050497.
[ 1 ] Bug #2050497 - yt-dlp-2022.2.4 is available