Hi All,
I am looking to work on the Suds project as it looks like the project has stagnated and a new release hasn't been released in a while. Some questions though:
1. First, I have looked at the code already but haven't delved into it too deeply. Can anyone give a short overview of the modules and/or architecture?
2. What is the most recent build or what is the latest code. I looked through the mailing list and it looks like Veres-Szentkiralyi Andras has created a version with some fixes here: https://github.com/dnet/suds. Should I fork his or is there a newer version someone knows about?
3. Any resources for someone who has worked on with SOAP on a surface level but has not delved too deeply into SOAP internals? Any resources useful in general to work with the Suds?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Ryan
I am looking to work on the Suds project as it looks like the project has stagnated and a new release hasn't been released in a while. Some questions though:
- First, I have looked at the code already but haven't delved into it
too deeply. Can anyone give a short overview of the modules and/or architecture?
Don't think there is such a thing. :-) But a few days playing with the code - if possible by trying to implement a specific feature you need or fix a bug you found should get you up to speed. At least it did for me when I needed to get the code to work in one of our projects.
- What is the most recent build or what is the latest code. I looked
through the mailing list and it looks like /Veres-Szentkiralyi Andras/has created a version with some fixes here: https://github.com/dnet/suds. Should I fork his or is there a newer version someone knows about?
Do not know about this one (will take a look though), but I have run into several forks on the net, including mine. There is one on Bitbucket containing Python-3 patches that I forked from.
- Any resources for someone who has worked on with SOAP on a surface
level but has not delved too deeply into SOAP internals? Any resources useful in general to work with the Suds?
I'd be interested in that as well but so far have not found anything better then 'delving into the source' and playing around with pdb.set_trace(). :-)
Sorry I could not be of more help.
Best regards, Jurko Gospodnetić
2012. március 22. csütörtök 23:36:53 dátummal Ryan.Hsu@emc.com ezt írta:
- First, I have looked at the code already but haven't delved into it too
deeply. Can anyone give a short overview of the modules and/or architecture?
Some of the architecture (focusing on security) is documented in my masters thesis, available in PDF at http://vsza.hu/thesis-beta.pdf (1,7 MB).
- What is the most recent build or what is the latest code. I looked
through the mailing list and it looks like Veres-Szentkiralyi Andras has created a version with some fixes here: https://github.com/dnet/suds. Should I fork his or is there a newer version someone knows about?
Thanks for noticing -- others have started working on other features, and as the original developer/maintainer hasn't responded to this list a long time ago, there's no "original" or "blessed" repository other than the outdated one on fedorahosted. My advice is to check out the others (dive into the mailing list archive) and if you start hacking on something not disturbed by the forks, it doesn't matter which one you start hacking on.