2014-05-19 9:46 GMT-03:00 Rex Dieter <rdieter(a)fedoraproject.org>:
> On 05/16/2014 10:37 AM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade wrote:
>>> o Update to singular 3.1.6 -- should be easy rdieter has or had it almost
>>> ready
>> I can leave it for Jerry or Rex, or, I can do it, no problems.
> I worked on it a bit last night, I think I got it building as long as I used
> --disable-polymake
> If that's acceptable, for now, I can commit later today.
I already did it in my last commit, as it is required to bootstrap again
-%bcond_without polymake
+%bcond_with polymake
I think major difference from your spec after the merge I did was to still
install normaliz.lib over the one from Singular-3.1.6, but that due to the
header of the file, that says the one in the tarball is for normaliz 2.7,
and the one in %{SOURCE1} says it is for normaliz 2.8 or 2.9.
> -- rex