Hello again. ;-)
I built libteam from source with Debian 7.2 on BeagleBoneBlack (BBB)
following the instructions from README
git clone https://github.com/jpirko/libteam.git
sudo aptitude install dh-autoreconf
sudo aptitude install pkg-config
sudo aptitude install libnl-3-dev libnl-cli-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev
sudo aptitude install libdaemon-dev
sudo aptitude install libjansson-dev
$ cd libteam
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
(build log attached as build_libteam.out)
That appears to install ok since:
debian@debian-armhf:~/source/libteam$ which teamd
debian@debian-armhf:~/source/libteam$ which teamdctl
when I try to run 'teamd -d' it fails with error messages:
root@debian-armhf:~# teamd -d
Daemon process failed.
Failed: Operation not supported
To try and see what was going wrong I did an strace by running:
#strace teamd -d
(output captured in screen and attached as file run_teamd.out)
I can see that the teamd daemon gets at least as far as trying to open
before failing shortly after that.
Any suggestions as to how to further troubleshoot this issue
would be greatly appreciated.